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Tatters Poems - Poems about Tatters

Tatters Poems - Examples of all types of poems about tatters to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for tatters.
Premium Member Tatters
Tatters, a tall funny clown Is so famous in town Always at a birthday party Making kids extremely happy But every trick or joke he makes A disguise of his heartaches Brought by his painful past Grown at streets, feeling outcast Parents died...Read the rest...
Categories: tatters, sad,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Reality In Tatters
Here am I in my vibrant facade Performing well to cheer others Yet my soul is in tatters, my eyes can’t deny Needing assurance for triumphant future… Oh, Lord, please help me smite crisis-fear. Here am I striving to fulfill...Read the rest...
Categories: tatters, christian, encouraging, faith, god,
Form: Dramatic Monologue

Premium Member Tatters
I make you laugh but, within me, I cry, Will my wet eyes dry only when I die...? My makeup makes you feel chuckle at me, My heavy heart within, you cannot see...! Trained like a beast,...Read the rest...
Categories: tatters, destiny, life, pain, sad,
Form: Couplet

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Jester wrapped in worn out wears. Forced smile to hide the tears. A feeling wrapped in crafty disguise for being so loud is not wise. A shield that echoes happiness, but deep within is loneliness, for...Read the rest...
Categories: tatters, loneliness,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Tatters
I’m a clown part- time for children’s parties. I laugh because for my job. that matters. What kind of clown would I be to show my tears? I cry inside because my heart is in tatters. I had a...Read the rest...
Categories: tatters, sad,
Form: Quatrain

They laugh at his theatrics, The troubled is eased of every worry, The sad wears a smile, The angry forgets every hurt. He puts aside his troubles to do his work, He cloaks his hurts and entertains people, He's on the...Read the rest...
Categories: tatters, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Tatters
Life used to be so glorious for me when no one feared or scorned me. Children flocked to circuses and parties just to see my great performances. This clown’s life rocked! The world has changed, but I’ve maintained my...Read the rest...
Categories: tatters, heartbreak,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Tatters
Suddenly from somewhere A street urchin- An untamed bird of the wider sky Dropped down Into the circus tent Before him was unfurled Scenes eerie….awesome!! Roaring lions and tigers, Gibbering baboons, caravans of camels, Animal tamers and acrobats, Artists balancing on poles Swinging from bars to...Read the rest...
Categories: tatters, angst, childhood, heartbroken, smile,
Form: Free verse
Oh, but I am just a man an entertainer a man of the people I have bubble gum at the bottom of my shoes and yes, the children cry I know they think I'm scary even when I...Read the rest...
Categories: tatters, career, change, cheer up,
Form: Free verse
Defeated now frowned, he seeks the sound of laughter. Head hung down, blue eyes search for the sound he is after. False Expressions of joy choose to paint his face. Shoes 4 sizes too big, clothes of cotton...Read the rest...
Categories: tatters, color,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member In Tatters
Life bedraggled. Clown mask in tatters. What matters, shattered into a myriad of jumbled pieces. Nowhere to hide when you can't make a laugh anymore. Entropy is funny that way....Read the rest...
Categories: tatters, life,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Tatters
No one noticed his eyes Sad and out of place That's not what they paid to see His pain he could not show So he painted around his fears! In order to deceive His eyes concealed behind A hug red nose,...Read the rest...
Categories: tatters, extended metaphor,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Tatters
I drew this sad pencil drawing when I was feeling down It's the way I picture myself, the vision of a gloomy clown Messy hair, bulbous nose, my mouth sketched in a frown My tears on the verge...Read the rest...
Categories: tatters, lost love, sad,
Form: Monorhyme
Premium Member Tatters
Freckles fall from Tatters downtrodden countenance. They fell like snow onto his chest below. Only one landed on his nose, Rudolph-proud. He shared Bozo’s hair - orange and red - a frenetic flair. Face is narrow, pale - with...Read the rest...
Categories: tatters, sad,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Tatters
The spotlight flashes fun on the sagged garb An animated caricature in comical human figure With miniature red sun stuck on the porcelain nose Tramps around the circus pitch making silly jokes. The nimble body turns in flexed...Read the rest...
Categories: tatters, fun, sorrow,
Form: Free verse

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