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Sullying Poems - Poems about Sullying

Sullying Poems - Examples of all types of poems about sullying to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for sullying.
Premium Member Breaking All the Commandments
...PRELUDE King David did break all Ten Commandments in one act (2 Samuel 11:2-5) All it takes is one to break the pact (James 2:10) THE X COMMANDMENTS He made Bathsheba a goddess (2 Samuel 11) H......Read the rest...
Categories: sullying, bible, jesus, jewish, lust,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member I Am Fear
...I'm what triggers anxieties climb; stocking darkness shrouded in shadow. Around since the primordial slime; the more you feed me, the more I grow, morphing into terror over time. I'm w......Read the rest...
Categories: sullying, angst, anxiety, emotions, fear,
Form: Quintain (Sicilian)

Easter as interpreted by one
...Easter as interpreted by one... rebated, rebelled, rebirthed, rebooted, and rebuked courtesy one ill shod Unitarian atheist, who means NOT to affect any sacrilegious fallout nor offend devo......Read the rest...
Categories: sullying, adventure, bible, celebration, christian,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Easter As Interpreted By One
...Easter as interpreted by one... rebated, rebirthed rebooted, and rebuked ill shod Unitarian atheist Though avast percentage of stonehenge temple piloted ghosts, harking back millennia constan......Read the rest...
Categories: sullying, allegory, angel, appreciation, body,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Dust Collects
...Dust floats in the air like it belongs there, and it accumulates on everything. Dead skin and mites suspended in mid-air adhere to practically anything; sullying surfaces to which they cl......Read the rest...
Categories: sullying, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Dizain

Premium Member Finger-Wagger
...My Doberman Pinscher won best of show and was strutting around like a peacock. One judge was none too pleased and let me know, while scrutinizing my dog like a hawk. She was a sarcastic......Read the rest...
Categories: sullying, 10th grade, animal, dog,
Form: Sonnet
Ah Such a Great Night
...Ah Such A Great Night... To Fish In The Cyber Sea Always does this generic guy abhor inflicting pain and suffering, hence I haint n'er fished before, and even metaphorically refere......Read the rest...
Categories: sullying, 11th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Lyric
Stop Kvetching Kookamunga
...I. e., this unfortunate mere erred reflection, aye re: zine (pronounced Syne), cuz you Matthew Scott Harris act like an old curmudgeon, does nothing but whine... ......Read the rest...
Categories: sullying, 11th grade, 8th grade,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Feel My Pain
...I can't take memories away those images are there to stay. And while love holds no guarantee, at the very least, trust in me. Failing to reconcile old fears, questioning love brings on......Read the rest...
Categories: sullying, angst, emotions, feelings, hurt,
Form: Rhyme
...Interrogation by JD DeHart Bright spotlight displays the quiver and sullying squirm of bare blood red humanity, pushed back in the chair, beaten for truth.......Read the rest...
Categories: sullying, angst, fear,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Bitter Truths
...Bitter Truths How much of bitterness is truth we cannot swallow. The acridity of words held idle for too long, fermenting in the cauldron of conceit, the spoils of victory flaunted in feign......Read the rest...
Categories: sullying, education, school, sports, success,
Form: Prose Poetry
...CHILDREN Children are the blank sheets of paper in a new-bought writing book And each page is clean and pure white, untrammeled, Waiting for ideas to be created The pages are the future Not just th......Read the rest...
Categories: sullying, childhood, hope,
Form: Free verse
...sitting in the fields of four oclock flowers thinking of the times the illusion disappeared the roses that led me to your secret room cartomancy told me one thing about quivering leaves simplif......Read the rest...
Categories: sullying, inspirationalme, easter, love, me,
Form: Free verse
...Pungent sounds sullen, sullying, Feelings stark, severe, stressful, Aflame, singed, searing, smoldering, Thoughts surging, seeping, slinking, Placid…As my eyes awaken…......Read the rest...
Categories: sullying, angst, life, visionary,
Form: Alliteration
Spirit of the Ink Well
...Rising from within my quill Waves of ink crest and crash Upon the papered shoreline Riding in and out on the tides Of yesterday found… Sullying the once untainted With both the rash and tende......Read the rest...
Categories: sullying, introspection, on writing and
Form: Free verse

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