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Substantiating Poems - Poems about Substantiating

Substantiating Poems - Examples of all types of poems about substantiating to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for substantiating.

Brainstorming until figuratively blue in the gills
...Brainstorming until figuratively blue in the gills..., and finally gung-ho with a poem title important to yours truly not disappointing his Facebook fan base, which electronic affirmation, and c......Read the rest...
Categories: substantiating, absence, africa, animal, baby,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Here
...I am pouring my heart out because I am going through something personal, but I thank a Wonderful, Faithful God that I am not going through alone...He is 'Here' with me. I am so grateful that I know i......Read the rest...
Categories: substantiating, christian, depression, encouraging, god,
Form: Rhyme

The Electron of Compassion
...It Flickers and Jumps.. With all the dreams of Triumphs.. The Electron of Compassion, with all of its serenity.. When the heart discern it's Creator gazing at its masterpiece of rarity.. Throug......Read the rest...
Categories: substantiating, allegory, analogy, appreciation, emotions,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Another Cock and Bull Story
...The highest and best purpose of cocks and bulls is to ejaculate a strong natural and spiritual warm wet vision flow transparently cuming into a spiritual and natural swarm wet throbbing recept......Read the rest...
Categories: substantiating, anti bullying, health, nature,
Form: Political Verse
The Jester's Court
...Backround information, footnotes of the weak Substantiating all excuse, data incomplete Reasoned explanation, wishful thinking’s tool For dilettante’s to build a stage —to dance and play......Read the rest...
Categories: substantiating, writing,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member In-Between
...This in-between place and time and space is *****. Neither the straightforward seer of new beginnings nor the recalcitrant rear of old sweet and sour endings. Bicameral climates of transi......Read the rest...
Categories: substantiating, confusion, courage, health, integrity,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Rather Different Similarities
...What's the difference, and where lie the solidarities, between Panentheism and transubstantiating experience, Multisystemic co-acclimation and multicultural creolization, Herstoric history a......Read the rest...
Categories: substantiating, community, culture, education, health,
Form: Political Verse
...No truer truths can take me too far from here Myself alone now viewing what I see as true Torn from within an inner sepulcher once caked with fear Made truer now by old offences now found few I s......Read the rest...
Categories: substantiating, love, truth,
Form: Sonnet
Yes, I Pier Irma Donned To Crush Mar a Lago Estate
...To Crush Mar a Lago Estate, and lower the Economic debt ceiling... Now that DACA docked amidst marshy tidal outskirts of Poker flats (readied to be sunk) off shore (beach combing divers – ec......Read the rest...
Categories: substantiating, america, anger, anxiety, crush,
Form: I do not know?

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry