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Rather Different Similarities

What's the difference, and where lie the solidarities, between Panentheism and transubstantiating experience, Multisystemic co-acclimation and multicultural creolization, Herstoric history and theologically matriarchal organic ecology, Sacred democratic evolutionary revolution and restoring EarthJustice, Resilient peace and everyday sacred non-violently enchanting positive energy? Why does this list speak with uniting integrity? While seeing synergetic principles of multicultural healthy zeroism, cross-substantiating non-universal paradigms encouraging trust inviting beauty, emerging polyphonic polynomials mutually integral Re-defining plusHere and minusNow, One egocenter monoculturing greed for timeless wealth without concomitant radically eco-rooting WiseElder DNA sacredly co-enscribing, prescribing, describing regeneratively resilient healthy wealth of future searching ancient regenerations.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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Date: 11/30/2018 10:56:00 PM
yip parder...thar's a'gonna comma'time when au's a'gonna outword yer day ; )
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Dillenbeck Avatar
Gerald Dillenbeck
Date: 12/1/2018 9:39:00 AM
So glad my quantities do not disturb your quality productions, eruptions, destinations.

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry