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Brainstorming until figuratively blue in the gills

Brainstorming until figuratively blue in the gills..., and finally gung-ho with a poem title important to yours truly not disappointing his Facebook fan base, which electronic affirmation, and confirmation, breeds gratification analogous to being the proud papa begetting offspring progeny growing up at breakneck speed spurring me to rub my eyes as if experiencing hallucination, and thanks be to thee unknown readers, whose familiar and recognizable namesakes fuel an impetus to slave away past the bewitching hour. A cup of first press high test Joe (courtesy the missus) this late hour crucial and vital to trigger genesis of writing idea though nary a handy dandy blues clue what the following endeavor will entail, whereby thought processes whipsawed across a gamut of enigmatic basic questions most likely similar queries pondered when proto humans first learned or evolved to stand erect, where genitalia subsequently visible in plain sight front and center, and most likely the males who sported the biggest schmeckle (id est - gifted with endowment where phallic gonad concerned) inadvertently, impeccably, and invariably wowed an equally well proportioned barenaked lady, thus setting into motion Barbie craze physique, which became commercialized, idolized, popularized, et cetera March ninth, nineteen fifty nine millions of countless generations before yours or mine Bubbeh's Zayde's, Bubbeh's Zayde's, Bubbeh's Zayde's et cetera until the beginning of time. I would not have been bestowed (but rather disadvantaged) with any redeeming physical advantages, what with my gangly, measly, and scrawny body and probably screaming bloody murder left to die lest drawing enemies woke fee fie foe fum... in bespoke guttural (necessitating traditional healer cum doula cum witch doctor to toss out baby with the bathwater autochthonous eventually giving rise to naturopathic doctor (ND), as they practiced a system of medicine that incorporated natural therapies and holistic measures ofttimes deemed cruel approaches, by standards of twenty first century often distinct from conventional Western medicine and quickly dispensed with "good riddance to that cry baby" then lionized by salivating king of the jungle, when yours truly just days old as a newborn, but bully me that would have saved a lifetime of trauma courtesy those foo fighting beastie boys who trumpeted characteristics topped off with natural carrot top donned windblown handy dandy raked pompadour which heady hirsute provided extra bonus added insouciant aura at the onset of drama bequeathed most robust short, nasty and brutish *****sapiens, (who would still be considered pygmies among land of the giants (even yours truly feels dwarfed) by standard of modern man/woman stood head and shoulders among the madding crowd) as no specimen to tangle cuz they were counted, gifted, and linkedin among those who met, (and checked off survival of the fittest box) bolstering triumph amidst adversity criteria inheriting salient qualities namely who at birth evinced potential to become a Sumo wrestler, who when population density increased implemented deportation way before MAGA onset doxed what's up towards those (though necessary for grunt work) evinced stark ape parent visible primate characteristics substantiating Darwinian theory of evolution in tandem with origin of species predicated new species come from preexisting species, and that all species share a common ancestor.

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