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Stupidities Poems - Poems about Stupidities

Stupidities Poems - Examples of all types of poems about stupidities to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for stupidities.
Forget All Stupidities
...Forget all stupidities, even these pitiful follies... while raging thoughts agitate and infuriate us! Give up madness, use logic to end quick solutions; learning together does wonders! Sho......Read the rest...
Categories: stupidities, character, dedication, desire, future,
Form: Ballad
Premium Member Freedom of Limited Expression
...Freedom is somewhat limited In a so-called democratic society At times, people cannot truly tell it like it is People cannot vote freely Without some restrictions or some stupidities In order to......Read the rest...
Categories: stupidities, america, confusion, fantasy, freedom,
Form: Rhyme

Wall of Monkeys
...emissary from the great beyond slapping faces for fun and profit me too tie my shoe then cracko blindsided until there ain't no blindside but I thought we had an agreement just another saw blade......Read the rest...
Categories: stupidities, how i feel,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Foolish Adsurdities
...I am thoroughly disgusted by foolish absurdities From morons who wallow in conspiracy theories Who try, indeed, to convince us the earth is flat, And NASA didn’t land on the moon, t......Read the rest...
Categories: stupidities, corruption, perspective, truth,
Form: Couplet
Prayer For America
...America... After 9/11, the country seemed reborn Ready to shift from the shallow to the profound What ever happened to the America that could have been? What ever happened to the America we d......Read the rest...
Categories: stupidities, america, anger, culture, hero,
Form: Ballad

Premium Member Polyboxes Paradoxes
...I faced alarming paradoxes as I headed toward puberty. First, my King James Bible-belting parents, extended family, and all-hopelessly-WHITE farm community taught me God loves me and all ......Read the rest...
Categories: stupidities, bible, christian, gender, god,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Yangwin-Yinwin
...She started our discussion of EgoWin-EcoLogicalWin Eastern NonDual CoArising Political Theory, by reminding us that Deductive LeftBrain has not always been WinLose competitive dominant; there was......Read the rest...
Categories: stupidities, earth, games, health, humor,
Form: Political Verse
In This Moment
...Same is the day same is the place In similarities there is something to trace Today is going to best saying the shining rays lets search for novices in old ways Smile please, no, put a wide s......Read the rest...
Categories: stupidities, feelings, happiness, memory, passion,
Form: Couplet
I Wish
...I wish falling Down because of Gravity didn't hurt I wish playing Pretend didn't Crumble a heart I wish the Imagination Was a reality I wish the madness And insanity ......Read the rest...
Categories: stupidities, how i feel,
Form: Rhyme
...Stupidity It breaks through the Strong columns of overbearing walls The ethical moral of rights and wrongs Surrounded by the so called profound injustices That were never stopped Sharing the i......Read the rest...
Categories: stupidities, anger, anti bullying, emotions,
Form: Free verse
If I Can Not Astonish You With All My Wisdoms
...If I can not astonish you with all my wisdoms; I can always flabbergast and, In absolute certainty, astound you With such collection of stupidities, Said in such wondrous zest And absolutely n......Read the rest...
Categories: stupidities, allusion, anxiety,
Form: Concrete
Never Felt This Pretty
...(09/05/2012) My birthday skin of 80 year old soul It wrinkles here and there but I’m pretty Who would’ve thought I used to be a fool Had chased abstract things, had left me dizzy My fi......Read the rest...
Categories: stupidities, birthday, life, old,
Form: Dizain
The Candide Within
...“This is the best of all possible worlds I hear, and you’re the master of your life”, But when you count the closed shut doors, and look around you for a window, Turn a rubik’s cube around and play w......Read the rest...
Categories: stupidities, life, on writing and
Form: Personification
Where Are You Now
...(29/10/08) I used to hang around with you Right here, over there, everywhere We used to giggle over our stupidities Right here, over there, everywhere Where are you now? I’m sure I have a rig......Read the rest...
Categories: stupidities, giggle,
Form: Free verse
The Saving Power of the Letter S
...speak softly soothe skeptical soldiers. solicit sages solemn solace sombre soliloqy. silence sinister speakers speaking spiritless slogans spiting spightful signs sift spontaneous sincerity sig......Read the rest...
Categories: stupidities, faith
Form: Alliteration

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry