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She started our discussion of EgoWin-EcoLogicalWin Eastern NonDual CoArising Political Theory, by reminding us that Deductive LeftBrain has not always been WinLose competitive dominant; there was a prior emerging moment in prehistory, more of a herstory, when WinWin cooperative EgoYang and EcoYin were both LeftDeductive and RightInductive co-dominant, when WinWin cooperation knew life as happy and healthy and robustly bilaterally self-regenerative and too often interrupted by competitive flee and fly and fight Business As Unusually Oppositionally Defiant, calling for active antipathy for physical survival but normally WinWin cooperatively normed co-empathic trust for nature/sacred-nurture health and wellbeing thrival. But, just as we were about to fall into another revolving trance, she unexpectedly went off script: So, here's one of my growing climatic number of collective stupidities that really pisses me off. She said, but strangely without exclamation, as if too nearly exhausted to expend-expand further scarce positive purifying, yet also creolizing, multiculturing, polypathing, energy. Here in this DisUniting, formerly bicamerally functional, States, we not only invest good taxpayer money and time in Uniting Earth's Nations and Species for multiculturing Health and Climate WellBeing, but we ironically host this WinWin ecopolitical hive of cooperative activity, of positive polypathic becoming, in the very heart of our Walled Street financial industrial military invest in WinLose rabidly-competitive Anti-WellBeing Constitutional, every royal-elitist WhiteBread Man for Himself Empty (0) nihiistic secular UnderSoul of PreMillennial Survivalist Evolutionary WinLose Pathology. While, at the very moment in Earth's climate-therapeutic history we need to cooperate and groom and feed and nurture these Uniting Nations and Species of and for ReGenerative Health, we elect that goddamned AntiChristian patriarchal elitist LeftBrain denialist of RightBrain ecological feelings for health and safety through DNA-RNA solidarity roots, ecosystemic healthy nature LeftBrain-Win making agapic nice with wealth nurture RightBrain-EcoWin, whose only investment in the United Nations is disinvestment from Global Health and WellBeing! Now She was getting prerevolutionarily stirred up. What the Hell kind of tragic-comedy is this for Earth's vast stage of emerging humane-democratic multiculturing polypathic health history? Why would our collective WinWin intelligence toward optimizing Health and WellBeing Outcomes settle for OldSchool WinLose survivalist competitor throwbacks when we know their governance outcomes will always ecologically and economically and politically and socially and psychologically suboptimize, will incur risk more than health/wellbeing opportunity, when WinWin ecopolitics optimizes healthwealth development over degenerative risk of less future generations to continue cooperating United Nations and Species? We began nervously looking around our discussion circle, avoiding Her too regenerative exclamatory direction, hoping this was a merely rhetorical question, some argument She was struggling with within Her Ego/EcoSelves, while we continued feeling like prey who only knew how to co-arisingly pray. In the brief ensuing silence no one seemed surprised when He twittered back, You're just a sore and sour WinWin Loser, like YangMe. Together we induced back, We stand apart Yang struggling against Yin for all that is UnHoly and Ego/Eco Systemic Loss. He had the last LeftBrain word, but we still have our WinLeft-WinRight alpha through omega cooperative-empathic feelings. We have created Him to regenerate WinWin HisElite-HerNonElite Uniting Nations and CoOperative CoOwnership CoMentoring Health and WellBeing Species. He twittered back i'm still not feeling you, or even capable of hearing us as one extending resilient family for Health and CoOperative WellBeing. That seemed rather long for a WinLose twitter.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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