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Spice Of Life Poems - Poems about Spice Of Life

Spice Of Life Poems - Examples of all types of poems about spice of life to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for spice of life.
Premium Member Spice of life
Venture out and try new things...Read the rest...
Categories: spice of life, life,
Form: Monoku
Premium Member Spice of Life
Eat and enjoy life more Eat and don't forget spice Spice makes many things nice Spice is great on vegetables Vegetables with nutrients Vegetables you can savor Savor salads with leafy greens Savor buttered corn or potatoes Potatoes stuffed with chili Potatoes in casseroles Casseroles...Read the rest...
Categories: spice of life, food, fun,
Form: Blitz

Premium Member Tea Can Be the Spice of Life
Because I like variety, I’ve got many different boxes of tea upon my shelf. Sometimes I might mix them up, adding two different bags of tea to seep inside my glass. Some flavors I enjoy consist of these: rose...Read the rest...
Categories: spice of life, drink,
Form: Prose Poetry

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

The Spice of Life
I’ve always known roses are red. It’s just something that’s often been said. And that violets are blue, But I know that’s not true. My rainbow flower, I’ll take you instead....Read the rest...
Categories: spice of life, love, rainbow, romantic love,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Surrounded By the Spice of Life
10/23/2023 A loving family that cherishes the universality of you. An addenda are friends, who accept...Read the rest...
Categories: spice of life, confidence, family, friendship, god,
Form: Verse

Premium Member The Spice of Life
Relish every bite of life, Sprinkled with a little salt. Spice it with a dash of pepper, Bake in oven without fault. Smell the aroma in the air, Set your table 'neath the sun. Share the feast with those you love, Savor...Read the rest...
Categories: spice of life, appreciation, beauty, character, family,
Form: Rhyme
Spice of Life
What a life be; if without a tint packed with spices All spices high and mild; nostrils filled with its aroma Whether flow with the Ganga colliding the bourn, Or sang with the chirping of the...Read the rest...
Categories: spice of life, adventure, creation, endurance, irony,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member The Spice of Life
Like the background music in movies Like the artwork on the walls of your home Condiments spice up your sandwich ...Read the rest...
Categories: spice of life, art, music, spoken word,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member ''The Spice of Life''
Love's the spice of life and life's the “meat” of being; love is like flavor which adds the tastes and tangs of joy, sense and meaning to life....Read the rest...
Categories: spice of life, food, humanity, joy, life,
Form: Tanka
The Family Spice of Life
Variety is indeed the spice of life, and when I think of my immediate and extended family of this I don't have to think twice, with my three other siblings and all of their clan at our nephews beautiful outdoor Aug. 27th Maryland wedding, my younger sis...Read the rest...
Categories: spice of life, family, life, wedding,
Form: Light Verse
Variety Is the Spice of Life
We made a simple particle, it soon began to fade, We gave it spin and mass and charge, much longer now it stayed. We gave it flavors strange and charm, and soon we had quark. Neutrino here, a photon there, enough to...Read the rest...
Categories: spice of life, philosophy, science,
Form: Rhyme
Spice of Life
As I explore the outer space, And make connections, introspections Nonplussed, but given to the chase- The Fate of Fools’ directions! Too much I’ve asked! And too late, perhaps When I am taken to the task How long I wrought,...Read the rest...
Categories: spice of life, confusion, space, truth,
Form: Rhyme
The Spice of Life
Some folks like their food real spicy; Others lean towards bland. Oftentimes the piquancy Is not what you had planned. There are those who favor bitter; Many savor sweet. Recipes that call for both Are where the twain shall meet. Certain people would...Read the rest...
Categories: spice of life, introspection, life
Form: Rhyme
The Spice of Life
As the time ticks away, life will always go on I have no regrets when something has gone Little things give pleasure and make me smile As I wonder through life each mile by mile Nothing can take away...Read the rest...
Categories: spice of life, lifelife, me, life, me,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Spice of Life
Youthful pleasures long ago linger in fond memory, spicier and sweeter than Mama ever knew....Read the rest...
Categories: spice of life, funny
Form: Dodoitsu

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