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Span Poems - Poems about Span

Span Poems - Examples of all types of poems about span to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for span.
Premium Member Span Of Years
Age is just a number, a countdown of life. The time of wide-eyed wonder, to that of conflict and strife. It is a span of years, that we think we own. It is not as it appears, time is not given, it's...Read the rest...
Categories: span, age, appreciation, life, time,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member May I Have Your Attention Please
The dwindling attention span of a human should bring us insight into what may be looming.. Recent studies reveal that it's eight seconds now. I'm struggling to finish this thought some how.. If one put a human brain on...Read the rest...
Categories: span, humanity,
Form: Light Verse

The Span
a tempest rages in a ringing shell sleep slopes down into waveless depths The mind has miles leagues foreshadowing the whole span of a moment in full A gulls gullet opens - it speaks of sea-dreams never remembered a child looks out beyond a plunging bed to a...Read the rest...
Categories: span, poetry,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Reflection On Life
This just came to my mind, One day this world would end. Now I'll remind The life I have spent. The good deeds, the bad deeds that I've done. The things, the money, behind which I've run. The life I've spent...Read the rest...
Categories: span, life, time, world,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Span of a Hens Life
The Span Of Life by Robert Frost ...Read the rest...
Categories: span, life,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Health Supplement
Health supplement rages nowadays It's said to improve health And so maybe for a better health And so maybe for a longer life span And so maybe for a more relaxed life A pharmacist may introduce A variety of health...Read the rest...
Categories: span, family, friend, health, life,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Infinity
The universe is infinite Boundless and endless But we men have limited life spans As the extinction of some species Like the dinausaur,the dodo And the passenger pigeon But we men have limited power and wealth We are small and insignificant We...Read the rest...
Categories: span, abuse, god, men, universe,
Form: Free verse
Short Life Span For Real Marriage
Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live. The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared...Read the rest...
Categories: span, fashion,
Form: ABC
Premium Member Spick and Span
SPICK&SPAN an outdate view  of the  cold sterile &   reclusive an  existence endlessly reconfigured   separated by   the austere an alternative vision inspired  the concept influence  unfinished a conflict de rigour,  rhythmical a breakthrough sparse but   pristine immaculate&  sleek subtle spiritual yet remote NOTE:THIS IS AN OPEN(organic) FORM VERSE without grammatical symbols the ' open' relies upon 'the one breath limitation' & so inherently requires the 'reader' (reciter) to input and respond thus making the form a two...Read the rest...
Categories: span, poetry,
Form: Other
Premium Member Life Span and Fate
You've no choice What will be will be So a greedy and cruel person Strive for the most Before it's too late Maybe this is the reason Why people are careless Obstinate and cruel But no matter who decides your future You...Read the rest...
Categories: span, fate, god, love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Our Life Span
How long will it be before we die Many years before we say bye-bye Be sure you see it all Enjoy it have a ball Don't let the good times pass you by...Read the rest...
Categories: span, endurance, life,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member The Dust Accumulated From a Span
The dust accumulated from a span Of years that reaches well into the past, In folders placed from back when it began; Discrete events across a distance, vast. Like vapors freed by comet's forward cast, Receding, fading like a tail...Read the rest...
Categories: span, retirement,
Form: Dizain
Longer the Span Much More the Tan
longer the time span much more will always be tan so sure that you can...Read the rest...
Categories: span, allegory, analogy,
Form: Haiku
The optimist said that fifty years is half your life, but the audience surely knows that men don't live much longer than the heyday of their town's proud factory or the life span of an empire in the modern...Read the rest...
Categories: span, age, angst, death, life,
Form: Free verse
It’s a tryingly featured world to be in, In which every restless heart minds Pleasant principal affairs of its own; Where spurned soul no solace finds. It’s an unresting space to occupy, Where every stirring brain thinks Of...Read the rest...
Categories: span, conflict, crazy, emotions,
Form: Rhyme

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