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Sniffed Poems - Poems about Sniffed

Sniffed Poems - Examples of all types of poems about sniffed to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for sniffed.

Premium Member Too much of a good thing sniffed
The farmer looked on sown fields with dismay, Be-spotted with tiny holes in despoiled array. Each spot where mice had dug up and eaten. Wheat seeds sown with mice-controls well beaten. The farmer had tried to poison the mice. Tried...Read the rest...
Categories: sniffed, farm,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Birds Pong - No Birds Were Sniffed To Verify This Title
My tongue is tied around poetry Mind fried around metaphor Alliteration obliteration Oblique technique Enjambment enjoyment ended Ditty writing suspended Poetry smoetry Low ebb tree Bread free For birds That Sing...Read the rest...
Categories: sniffed, bird,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Ever Sniffed a Dollar Bill
It's impossible to hum with your nose blocked Don't try it you'll give yourself a hernia About two hundred babies are born every minute Guess there's not much doing in suburbia Dust under your bed is your own...Read the rest...
Categories: sniffed, fun,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

If Sniffed
unaware there's a bear out side my tent for i forgot and kept my tooth paste with me instead of hang ing it in a tree a bove me with my other things while in my sleep ing bag i'm simply meat nicely tucked in begin ning to feel like a mint soft shell ed taco...Read the rest...
Categories: sniffed, muse,
Form: I do not know?
Premium Member Flatulence - a Subject Not To Be Sniffed At
So I write about farting and pooh But fart sniffing may prove good for you Foul hydrogen sulphide has been found to provide benefits helping cells stay like new Inspired by an item in a magazine which lead me...Read the rest...
Categories: sniffed, body, humorous, senses, wind,
Form: Limerick

Sniffed By Wolves
He sniffed the wolves ~found them wanting Wolves sniffed of him ~found him daunting The shepherd fears not beast of prey With shiverin' lambs he greets each day Upon the hills and braky glen~ shepherd watches o'er his friends And when the night calls lambs to sleep the shepherd...Read the rest...
Categories: sniffed, howl, imagery,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Have You Sniffed a Dollar Bill Lately
It's impossible to hum with your nose plugged Don't try it you'll give yourself a hernia About two hundred babies are born every minute Guess there's not much doing in suburbia Dust under your bed is your own dead...Read the rest...
Categories: sniffed, humorous,
Form: Quatrain
Sniffed the Wine ,Goats Cheese, Bread In Oil
The shore breeze rose familiar tang of the sea Blue touring car , top down , rolling past palms Brilliant white suit and panama hat . Car toots! Enjoying company sharing fine wine and pasta Radiating high energy...Read the rest...
Categories: sniffed, adventure, food, love, car,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Reflection on the Important Things