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Short Forlornly Poems

Short Forlornly Poems. Below are examples of the most popular short poems about Forlornly by PoetrySoup poets. Search short poems about Forlornly by length and keyword.

Premium Member Wind Mutters Softly
wind mutters softly last leaf forlornly flutters. . . . my lawn waits frozen

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Categories: forlornly, nature
Form: Haiku

The Search
....i grope forlornly in the dark
                                          Probing the innards of destiny's mark......

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Categories: forlornly, faith, life,
Form: Crystalline
Pride Goeth
Nick was good at the steeple chase
he thought of himself as an ace.
But he became too proud
and in front of a crowd
fell forlornly flat on his face....

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Categories: forlornly, pride,
Form: Limerick
The Boat
The boat sails through the mist.
Sounding its horn forlornly.
Its weary crew bound for home.
Salt stained and sweaty.
Seeking the loving embrace of wives and children.
And a comfortable chair-
Next to a roaring fire....

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Categories: forlornly, sea
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Was That My Good Shoe
Green and orange cover. Sitting forlornly with teeth marks.
The Magic of Thinking Big.
Other pages lying in bits, strewn from bedroom to living room.
Thank you Buddy.
Was that my good shoe? Joe asks as he walks past.
Buddy is whipping chunks of the sole out onto the carpet.
That depends, I say.
Was your good one the right one or the left one?...

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Categories: forlornly, dog,
Form: Free verse

The Trees Outside
The trees outside my window
Are in their budding phase,
With newborn leaves and blossoms
In their early spring displays.

I gaze at them forlornly,
Behind a pane of glass
And hope they aren’t autumn-like
Before this all shall pass.

Though fall’s my favorite season,
Those rusts and golds, I think,
Won’t dazzle near as much without
Their prior greens and pink....

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Categories: forlornly, tree,
Form: Rhyme
Impaled Dreams
On your barbed tongue
    Insults glistening with spite
Against your heart of thorns, bleeding
Mine crying impaled tears
    A nail through our love
Impaled forlornly with cupids’ arrow
Poisoned by cruel words
    A dream promised impaled by abuse

Written:  7-28-2019

Anthony Slausin  Impaled Poetry Contest  n/a

Entered into John Hamilton n/a contest 8-9-19   3rd place...

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Categories: forlornly, abuse, lost love,
Form: Free verse
The Fount of All Knowledge
In the dim and distant past
Long before I wed my wife
I had encyclopaedias 
For those questions in my life

I’d look to them for answers
And I’d find them all with ease
One quick consultation
And solutions were a breeze

But now they sit forlornly
On the bookshelf in the hall
They gather dust and cobwebs
And are never used at all

My reference books redundant
They just sit there and they rot
Never to be used, because
She knows the bloody lot...

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© John Fenn  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: forlornly, funny, wife
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member joyfully pursuing nothing today
joyfully pursuing nothing today
no plan
no schedule
no worries
no cares

my car sits forlornly
she misses me
I do not care
this retirement gig is delightful

I can sit in one spot for days
and I do
until Dr. G begins talking about blood clots
that go to your heart and kill you
when you sit for too many hours

I walk up the hill one time
hoping that is enough
because I want to sit in a recliner
and watch TV, paint or write poems
joyfully pursuing nothing today...

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Categories: forlornly, me,
Form: Free verse
Inanimate Thoughts
Our car must wonder why the heck
It isn’t being used.
Cosmetics in my make-up drawer
Are equally confused.

My pocketbook forlornly sits,
Sure it’s been left behind.
My brand-new jumpsuit in the closet’s
Crowded and confined.

My MetroCard and cash are tucked
Inside my wallet’s folds,
Perplexed at never leaving,
Stuck inside their stuffy holds.

I must be going crazy
Thinking ‘bout these lifeless things
But when boredom is the way of life,
Some merriment it brings....

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Categories: forlornly, confusion,
Form: Rhyme
My Whirligig
My whirligig requires wind
So when the day is calm,
It sits there quite forlornly
Like it's lacking in aplomb.

But when the gusts are squalling
And the trees are pirouetting,
My whirligig starts spinning
And, oh, what a show I'm getting!

It has concentric circles
So it twirls in two directions.
The faster that it goes, the more
It gains in my affections.

Today the wind's cavorting
As I watch in pure delight 
While my whirligig goes whirling 
Like it's gearing up for flight....

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Categories: forlornly, today,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Reflection on the Important Things