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Short Deductions Poems

Short Deductions Poems. Below are examples of the most popular short poems about Deductions by PoetrySoup poets. Search short poems about Deductions by length and keyword.

Beware the Ides of April
Can't follow 1040 instructions?
Need help claiming all those deductions?
Trump knows what you need
Is not chicken feed
But his lawyers skilled in seductions...

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Categories: deductions, money,
Form: Limerick

A Letter From the Irs
You have disregarded instructions
Thus claiming improper deductions
Send money by mail
And IF you should fail
Your paycheck will suffer reductions...

“The hardest thing in the world to understand is income tax” - Albert Einstein
Submitted for: John Freeman’s contest...

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Categories: deductions, angst, humorous,
Form: Limerick
Poetic Love
He found her in a stray in a
   night poem... she noticed him in a
   Flaming Tirade...
- I admire your tricks... !
- I like your tirades... !
- Actually I call them deductions...!
  So they took off exchanging poems...
  From that day on, they were enchanted and
  loved madly...
 Each one on their own page...!...

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Categories: deductions, adventure, allegory, cute love, extended metaphor,
Form: Light Verse
Tax Time
Tax Time
It's that time of year.
We all dread but wait for.
Tax time has come once more.
The mind goes in to number mode.
Deductions and credit 
What do they mean.
I feel a headache coming on.
Social security numbers are in the right spot.
Now to the bank for a refund I hope.
Oh no , No refund this year
There goes my house 
For Obamacare gets it all!...

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Categories: deductions, confusion, depression, funny,
Form: Free verse
Ideas start as electricity in your brain
That help you make deductions in your frame
There are a myriad ways of looking at things
And each individual can find difference it brings

We can accept different theories of others
Even if deep down to you it may be a bother
I think that in some things we may never know
What is the truth of some ideas as they go.

© Paul Warren Poetry...

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Categories: deductions, life,
Form: Ballad

Dylan Echoes
You play me for stupid.
You strum me with lust
across the brass bed,
all the words lying in the dust
of an old refrain.

You play me for stupid
while your smiles suck,
fluttering eyelashes duck
down to cover this
pain in here.

The slithering stealth
of your seductions
no longer intrigues.
I play my deductions,
subtraction reaction
as you disappear
with your tambourine....

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© Sue Mason  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: deductions, history, places, song-me, me,
Form: Free verse
Kill the Corrupt Rats
Cookery is slavery if you don’t partake of the meal
It becomes foolery if you keep settling the bill
It is misery if you repeat the drill
Familiarity leads to rats chilling in the grill

Employment is exploitation if you can’t get a fair deal
It becomes poverty if you keep taking the pill
It is deprivation with tax deductions on your will
Gullibility that leads the thieves to steal...

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Categories: deductions, absence, africa, change, corruption, earth, integrity, international,
Form: Rhyme
Paradigm Shift
I’m adjusting fixed positions
On opinions and deductions
From now on breathing other airs
I have a stack of fresh instructions

I let go of once held handle bars
Veering off from straight line steering
Riding curves requiring nerves
Whilst watching stances disappearing

Chancers wait to try it on
Consider risk-maintaining stakes
Ask what can we afford to lose
Whilst still expecting lucky breaks...

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Categories: deductions, confidence, corruption,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member April Angst
Et tu, IRS?

I'm not known for being sentimental,
Nostalgia's not really my thing,
But each year 'round the middle of April,
While I wait for my CPA to ring,
As I'm sorting through piles of instructions
Re what I can and can't claim as deductions,
I know in my heart without failing
There'll be plenty of weeping and wailing,
And I'll wonder why I ever had to roam.
'cause when the "ides of taxes" are upon me,
I'm reminded why I miss my Texas home*.

*No state income tax in Texas....

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Categories: deductions, angst, april, humor,
Form: Light Verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things