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Tax Time

Tax Time It's that time of year. We all dread but wait for. Tax time has come once more. The mind goes in to number mode. Deductions and credit What do they mean. I feel a headache coming on. Social security numbers are in the right spot. Now to the bank for a refund I hope. Oh no , No refund this year There goes my house For Obamacare gets it all!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2015

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Date: 1/13/2015 3:42:00 PM
Our tax returns have to be filed by the end of October - wish they would deal with the refunds as quickly as they deduct the payments lol:-) Hugs jan xxx
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Hunt Sr Avatar
Harold Hunt Sr
Date: 1/13/2015 4:16:00 PM
Thats true. Always when you want your money they take their time. but when they want their's they are banging on your door. with the cops. lol

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