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Sergeant Poems - Poems about Sergeant

Been in the army for years Devoted and committed Sergeant Keys is a born Leader His Army Soldiers understand Base after Base at his command Tough at Exercise drills Be all you can be to fulfill Preparation for an uncertain battle Sergeant Keys...Read the rest...
Categories: sergeant, adventure, america, appreciation, character,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member We Could Not Get Sergeant Wolf's Goat
We could not get sergeant wolf to smile or swear We were annoying and threw thing at him through the air He did not lose his temper or even look our way I found out he has eighteen...Read the rest...
Categories: sergeant, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme

A Handiwork of Short Temper
As a hurting song is being sung, At a white polo shirt is flung What can have been a cow’s dung And on same it foully clung And on a nearby face hung; All a hurried indiscreet challenge By one...Read the rest...
Categories: sergeant, anger, brother, character, conflict,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Sergeant
The first sergeant saw that the new recruit Definitely was not very astute He told him to get the donkey d--- Cause the truck needed some oil slick The buck private went laughing on mute My grandson told...Read the rest...
Categories: sergeant, funny,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Difference In Sergeants
daughters drill sergeant was nicknamed mother Russia sons disneyland...Read the rest...
Categories: sergeant, perspective,
Form: Senryu

Premium Member Army Chef - Sergeant Schmo
Sergeant Schmo was chef in an Army mess. He excelled in concocting S.O.S., But troops preferred M.R.E.s, They were very...Read the rest...
Categories: sergeant, food, humorous,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Sergeant Cooper and Officer Hound
Categories: sergeant, adventure, caregiving, character, dog,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Obama's Drill Sergeant
How I'd relish standing Obama at a brace and show him how to salute! He's shown zero respect to the Marines and I suppose he thinks he's cute. No one salutes with a coffee cup in...Read the rest...
Categories: sergeant, humorous, military, , cute,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Rescue of Sergeant Tahmooressi
One of our brave marines languishes in a Tijuana jail, Sufferin' inhumane treatment, sans the right of bail! Ain't it ironic that America treats illegals like welcome guests, While our "neighbors" to the south treat our folks like...Read the rest...
Categories: sergeant, how i feel,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Limerick Croises: Once a Loud-Mouthed Sergeant-Major
Limerick croisés : Once a loud-mouthed Sergeant-Major Once a loud-mouthed Sergeant-Major Joined Cold Stream Guards to troop colour He kept wondering why He heard not himself cry Until he took bearskin helmet off ear! So he left the Lilywhites Guards To lounge...Read the rest...
Categories: sergeant, humor, poetry,
Form: Limerick
Tribute To a Drill Sergeant
Tribute to a Drill Sergeant He stood there as we departed the bus, Nobody but he could make any fuss. First impressions are those that last, And his was certainly made very fast. He seemed larger than any in the...Read the rest...
Categories: sergeant, tribute,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Siren Sergeant -
One day while marching on the road to madness I fell in love with a woman known as sadness, she rode up on the shore glazed in sapphire honey, knowing no mercy slapping the land, forgiveness in her thought, studed destruction in her...Read the rest...
Categories: sergeant, business,
Form: Rhyme
William Kite, Sergeant Peppers Lonely Heartclub
~~~Being for the Benefit of Mr Kite~~~ An all round performer was Mr William Kite He trained and rode horses, but also walked the rope tight He worked for Pablo Fanqué the Wells Circus owner...Read the rest...
Categories: sergeant, family, Grandson,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Sergeant Major O'Malley
Sergeant Major O'Malley, Seventh Cavalry, had served nigh on three decades. He rose through the ranks havin' served in squads, companies and brigades. Second lieutenants were nuisances and he treated them as if they didn't exist! He took...Read the rest...
Categories: sergeant, funnyhorse,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Sergeant Major
I'll always remember Granpa Shreeves No collar,braces and rolled up sleeves, Leather buckled trouser belt; Number forty-six with Gran he dwelt. A curled up moustache, His manner stiff and harsh; Horse artillery in a younger day A shilling a day his rate...Read the rest...
Categories: sergeant, childhood, day, family, nostalgia,
Form: Bio

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