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Scrumptious Poems - Poems about Scrumptious

Scrumptious Poems - Examples of all types of poems about scrumptious to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for scrumptious.

Premium Member Scrumptious Escape
Heart with a keener marigold edge. Using a crimson mulberry shade. Trilling is as regal as a raven crown. Embedded in the sky of a striking color. Scarlet grape drips on closed lips. Luscious, but ultimately fatal Morish odors as tightening...Read the rest...
Categories: scrumptious, animal, appreciation, endurance,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member A Scrumptious Boistrous Christmas
(Sing to the tune of "Holly Jolly Christmas) Have a scrumptious boistrous Christmas. Party hearty. Ho Ho Ho! Move your hips, then wet your lips and find some mistletoe! Have a scrumptious boistrous Christmas. Let the rum and egg nog flow. Get...Read the rest...
Categories: scrumptious, christmas,
Form: Lyric

I crave for that delectable cake that would gratify my taste and sight, You see, I do not know how to bake and that is the reason for my plight, Who knew that this pandemic outbreak would...Read the rest...
Categories: scrumptious, desire, food,
Form: Rhyme
A Truly Scrumptious Feast
Mesmerised My eyes are glued I take in every detail His sea His sky His movement I hear the sounds Pervade the air As if myself As if I’m there I’m standing back So much to see It gently pulls I stand within A bystander As...Read the rest...
Categories: scrumptious, appreciation, art, sea, tribute,
Form: Ekphrasis
Scrumptious Ascension
Leaving the debris, In a time strange and yonder; Help me God to fly away, To a mansion I can't see. In the awe of waking hours, While my body still is freeze; I would pick a guide in heavens, And a...Read the rest...
Categories: scrumptious, god, imagination, light, love,
Form: Etheree

Premium Member The Scrumptious Bluebells
the scrumptious bluebells enticing us to love them beauties I adore...Read the rest...
Categories: scrumptious, flower,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Wild Scrumptious Berries
Wild Scrumptious Berries Scarlet, True Blue & Plump, Juicy Lucy In The Sky Blackberries Trump, Politics Aside, Chuck Berry Doesn't Stump. Sure to Turn Round Any Blues, Tongue Taste Belongs to No Fake News, Tart Smart Sensory Chews. Hued Color Bright,...Read the rest...
Categories: scrumptious, celebration, fruit, nature, thanks,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Scrumptious
I read you with my fingertips, Pausing to regard the inches, to savor each, ...Read the rest...
Categories: scrumptious, body, love, metaphor, passion,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Scrumptious New Boy In Town
There was a scrumptious new boy in town. We Seniors were agog, He went around the square twice On a Saturday night In small town USA in the middle of America In 1969, this is tantamount to announcing...Read the rest...
Categories: scrumptious, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Ballad
Scrumptious Scrap
Scrumptious Scrap ‘Twas Love I thought in my valor days With air perfumed intoxicating daze... Time stands still in the Valley of Love On passionate peaks where Angels shove Whirlwind wines of saporous sites With poison ivy’s approaching, apatite’s Is it Love?......Read the rest...
Categories: scrumptious, betrayal, lost love, sad
Form: Rhyme
Scrumptious Death
Breathlessly chased in this wild farmland, Your daggers are sharpest in this entire land It took few minutes for you to catch me, Stripped my clothes and tie my feet on the tree Walked in to me with your...Read the rest...
Categories: scrumptious, death,
Form: Personification
Premium Member What I Would Give For a Scrumptious Cookies
Jimmy sits restlessly on a cane bottom chair at the kitchen table In grandma’s kitchen smelling the fresh sweet aroma of her cooking and baking ...Read the rest...
Categories: scrumptious, child, imagery,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry