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Roly Poly Poems - Poems about Roly Poly

Roly Poly Poems - Examples of all types of poems about roly poly to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for roly poly.
Premium Member Cool as a Roly Poly Kid
...rolling wall to wall - tumbling down the hall infamously down the stairs, sans fall. who can be as cool as a roly poly kid? the older lady, you can guess who, has to crawl to make it off the fl......Read the rest...
Categories: roly poly, age, kid, strength,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Last Organ Grinder
...Down the faithful brick stones he goes with his favorite monkey Spiff through the alley where twilight glints soon turn from pinkish to gold beneath a yawning sun. Bringing forth a new day,......Read the rest...
Categories: roly poly, appreciation, music,
Form: Haibun

A Garden Tale
...What to do when there's really nothing to do?" Asked the fat marmalade cat. "Dig a hole," answered the round roly-poly groundhog. "Play." Said the scurrying chipmunk. Together the cat and ......Read the rest...
Categories: roly poly, poetry,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Playful Puppies
...Puppies colored brown, black, white, pounce and tumble, such a sight. Noisily they squeak and yip, watch your fingers, they might nip. Little legs trip and fumble, bodies lay in a jumble. Sil......Read the rest...
Categories: roly poly, animal, cute, nursery rhyme,
Form: Jueju
Premium Member Butterflies and Friends
...butterflies and friends ragged winds depart snow maid leaves a farewell kiss ~ robins lay blue eggs wisteria blooms calls to butterflies and bees ~ roly poly bugs silky cocoons swa......Read the rest...
Categories: roly poly, butterfly, spring,
Form: Haiku

Premium Member Holy
...Holy, Holy, Holy Try Our Chicken Mole Eat and eat and eat and eat Until you're roly poly.......Read the rest...
Categories: roly poly, atheist, celebration, faith, food,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Stuffed
...I used to eat 'til I was stuffed never knew when I'd had enough Some folks called me roly-poly others found me gruff Now I'm satisfied with just a little which does wonders for......Read the rest...
Categories: roly poly, body, change, food,
Form: Rhyme
A Friend Under a Leaf
...Roly poly, my friend Time under leaf, you spend Tell me, what you see To you I am big But you are small to me......Read the rest...
Categories: roly poly, friend,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Grizzly Bear Family
...The tiny roly poly proud brown baby bear Ate a delicious pink pear on a double dare. It was from his big bossy brother, to be fair. Which is something that is kind of rare. The same mommy they ......Read the rest...
Categories: roly poly, 4th grade, 5th grade,
Form: Monorhyme
Premium Member A Thanksgiving Haiku
...the blissful gobble of a roly-poly bird . . . turkey day looming 11/16/21 for Tania Kitchin's Fall Or Winter Holiday Haiku Poetry Contest......Read the rest...
Categories: roly poly, thanksgiving day,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Holy Moly Roly Poly
...Active fun-loving roly poly little goalie slowly retrieved a ball so lowly He said right away It is a great day! The crowd yelled back “Holy Moly!”......Read the rest...
Categories: roly poly, 1st grade, 2nd grade,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Home Invasion
...scraping of the soil invasion of millipedes unearthed by rakers ~ those roly poly critters in every nook and cranny 9/6/2021 A Buggy Tanka M.L. Kiser......Read the rest...
Categories: roly poly, insect,
Form: Tanka
Premium Member Potato's Raw Lament
...Alas! I'm just a roly-poly me. When I was birthed, in dirt they had to dig! More slender and chik I'd prefer to be. But here I am - so common, round and big. When I was birthed, in dirt they ha......Read the rest...
Categories: roly poly, food,
Form: Pantoum
...Dadi Sitting on the doorstep, She looks at me with her loving eyes. So weary, I ponder, They seem to be holding so many mysteries. They abound with untold tales, I wonder. I vow to myself; the......Read the rest...
Categories: roly poly, grandparents,
Form: Free verse
Name Matters
...Let poets ask: what’s in a name And come out with some reasons tame. Say, by any name rose is rose, But that is just as far it goes. With sound and feel of someone’s name, And how it rolls off......Read the rest...
Categories: roly poly, humor,
Form: Verse

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