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Ris Poems - Poems about Ris

Ris Poems - Examples of all types of poems about ris to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for ris.
Premium Member April
...April filled with love Pretty blue skies with big clouds Rain will bring a bath Iris and flowers will grow Lovely gardens springing up......Read the rest...
Categories: ris, beauty, flower, fun, garden,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Man of the Year
...Santa Claus, a man born for the Anniversary of Jesus our savior Babe Another year has passed. As we celebrate the Anniversary of Christ Rays of light benignl......Read the rest...
Categories: ris, devotion,
Form: Acrostic

Premium Member Purple Iris
...(I)rrisistable Purple Iris (R)umination standing tall (I)ris watch over the yard (S)wirling in the wind Heidi Sands 6/10/22......Read the rest...
Categories: ris, betrayal, flower,
Form: Acrostic

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

...There once was a pretty young miss Who discovered her clito-ris To her delight She found each knight Could lead to a life of pure bliss......Read the rest...
Categories: ris, happiness,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Iris
...*Image of Iris The Greek Goddess by Redbubble. Iris Iris nicknamed Eye-ris, Iridescent paired wings, Indulgent to the gods, Iliad's messenger, In waiting for Hera, Ignored in ancient myths......Read the rest...
Categories: ris, mythology, rainbow,
Form: Pleiades

Premium Member One Night Alone
...I wake to a monochrome world and I yawn The reds, greens and yellows awaiting the dawn Out on the water, my luminous float Rides unseen ripples in fear of no boat This morning my roof is my fis......Read the rest...
Categories: ris, fish, fishing, love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Happy Or Depressed
...……………………………………………………………… H Ha Hap Happ Happy Happy o Happy or Happy or d Happy or de Happy or dep Happy or depr Happy or depres Happy or depress Happy or depresse Happy ......Read the rest...
Categories: ris, anxiety, depression, emotions, encouraging,
Form: Shape
Fish Tale
...Scales hardened over her skin a condition called ichthyosis vulgaris ik-thee-O-sis vul-Ga-ris fish disease (the ‘vulgar’ means ordinary but at its worst it is far from common). ......Read the rest...
Categories: ris, poverty,
Form: Blank verse
A La Ris De Ne Mis
...Fle sa me tis Of the smile rise Of all our little misses in TX & txt For her we enter (Beyond dragons for snakes got wings like we make ends to meet the means, or whatever man) "Begin th......Read the rest...
Categories: ris, 2nd grade, absence, age,
Form: Shape
Premium Member Lickety Split
...Like an Olympic athlete Iris sets to work at lightning speed Cleaning her designer Kitchen and spacious bathroom. Everywhere she Touches Yie......Read the rest...
Categories: ris, home, moving on,
Form: Acrostic
J Ai Oublie Le Jour
...J'ai oublié le jour Quand tu as volé mon coeur je suis devenu très froid la vie je ne crois pas encore la musique m'a échappé Je ne ris plus je n'ai plus de larmes ni de charme morte co......Read the rest...
Categories: ris, history, memory, sad,
Form: Quatrain
Marie Is In Tea House
...M-arie is in tea house, A-iming to order herbal drink; R-efreshment in boiling water I-ncludes tea in oolong or green. C-ris is in tea house, R-eceiving aromatic beverage; I-nfusing the lea......Read the rest...
Categories: ris, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Spring Is Coming Soon
...Sing with the birds in May Pretty songs in dancing play Raindrops on pedals of flowers Inspire dreams in spring showers Nests where robin eggs lay Give ......Read the rest...
Categories: ris, beauty, spring,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Spring Is Coming Soon
...Snowflakes cease as snowdrops rise Peeking out at azure skies Raindrops fall upon the lake Iris soon in blooms awake New blooms burst forth every day G......Read the rest...
Categories: ris, butterfly, flower, spring,
Form: Acrostic
Je Suis Charlie
...Translation below (in progress) Celui qui n'a pas de cœur Ne doit jamais reposer en paix He who has no heart Will never rest in peace J’étais Charlie De ma tombe Mon âme pleure enc......Read the rest...
Categories: ris, allah, angel, angst, bereavement,
Form: I do not know?

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry