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Restated Poems - Poems about Restated

Restated Poems - Examples of all types of poems about restated to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for restated.
Premium Member The Contract
...A contract can be signed by pen or, by two stranger’s eyes by chance that fleeting catch, a knowing glance across a room of girls and men whose status remains unstated; unrequested, this night, ......Read the rest...
Categories: restated, relationship,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Reverse Ekphrasis
...INVERSE EKPHRASIS evoke & shed light by a  visual representation to recreate & make present a restated concept commonsense   perception by a material presence unfolding  into sp......Read the rest...
Categories: restated, art, poetry,
Form: Didactic

Premium Member Job Description of a Warrior Poet
...There is an ongoing battle that Remains in humanities heart. Where truth is often hidden, And obscured from the start. The written and spoken word, Become lost clouds to ......Read the rest...
Categories: restated, poetry, truth,
Form: Dramatic Verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Kelp Seaworthy Reports
...Before the mainevent A fella from Canada The All Aisain World's Champion hoped to Unify his title against the German All pro Champ. Both men Wrestled 45 mens To a draw. After the Bell the r......Read the rest...
Categories: restated, encouraging, engagement, fantasy, film,
Form: Bio
A Blinding Refrain
...Tuning letters like strings the words are reformed The rhyme and the meter the rhythm reborn Each vowel and each consonant together in line No commas or periods to block or confine The me......Read the rest...
Categories: restated, writing,
Form: Rhyme

Knowledge and Wisdom
...Data now arrayed in teaming endless motion Entices all who seek it ever more To drops of information like an ocean Or grains of sand along an endless shore The knowledge that was little known ......Read the rest...
Categories: restated, wisdom,
Form: Sonnet
Seat Taken
...Seat Taken “Seat taken?” Asked Jamal as he entered the first unfilled pew. The lady looked at him and wondered if he knew. Why is this young man here? What could be the occasion, An Af......Read the rest...
Categories: restated, christian, religious,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Interview
... The Interview Written: by Miracle Man 5-4-2020 A topic of late being hotly debated, brings questions and answers, both, unrelated. Before responding to a question, he hesitated, the......Read the rest...
Categories: restated, betrayal, humor, hurt, words,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Thoughts and Freedom
...Thoughts and Freedom thoughts pass in review.. temporary shapings within and made of our only Self Awareness.. then our choice: am I a thought or am I Awareness or restated: am I caugh......Read the rest...
Categories: restated, creation, freedom, happiness,
Form: Blank verse
The Night
...The NIGHT The sound of the train fades slowly into the black of night While the dense fog and the rain put up a good fight Awakened from a dead sleep in the middle of the night My eyes t......Read the rest...
Categories: restated, inspirational,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Equality--Here and Now
...Equality..Here and Now The word implies that there are two and these two are equal.. Such an assertion results in a counter that seems obvious: two are never equal.. From this common exp......Read the rest...
Categories: restated, joy, peace,
Form: Blank verse
Ins and Outs Restated In the Anthroapologist's Dialect
...happy birthday to you I'll never do that again what will I deduce about being here there is enough. no there isn't yes there is let me cite as an example ants crawled across the ceiling spell......Read the rest...
Categories: restated, how i feel,
Form: Free verse
Life Restated
...I saw a teenager on the 42 bus, An older teenager, tall and thin, He boarded a few stops after me, And i thought i knew his journey in. He looked like a CS student, As i had been in my ol......Read the rest...
Categories: restated, cool, culture, destiny, education,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Getting Priorities Straight
...Honoring commitments Is healing though you're sick For soul has many aspects And Love is not a trick. The contracts that you honor Give you more faith in man And that which helps your brother......Read the rest...
Categories: restated, life, love,
Form: Rhyme
Is There a God
...If God is something that you think, It is only a process that you drink; Wittgenstein's answer of yes and no, Does only referential justification show. Societal concepts are never jokes, But ......Read the rest...
Categories: restated, angst, deep, education, faith,
Form: Heroic Couplet

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