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Job Description of a Warrior Poet

There is an ongoing battle that Remains in humanities heart. Where truth is often hidden, And obscured from the start. The written and spoken word, Become lost clouds to memory. As storms move about With their heavy artillery. This conflict involves everyone, Both today and in the past. Since mankind produces soldiers, Without rank or caste. Ultimately, the battlefield Looks to reality and truth. That passes on to a future, And then to our youth. At times, it might resemble, A siege to be endured. Where the fortress keep is opened, Leaving nothing obscured. Here, the contest is restated, With a victory to reflect. Upon the historic ledger, Creating new ways to perfect. Hope is sought to further question, The false faith offered before. As roots of new thought begin and emerge, With fresh dialogue no one can ignore.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 1/8/2023 5:41:00 AM
Tim, my poetic mantra for years has been "DON'T FIGHT IT! WRITE IT!" nicely written and thought provoking piece.
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Timothy Mattson
Date: 1/8/2023 7:10:00 AM
Thank you John, as I sincerely appreciate your comment and your mantra, may they both survive the harsh climate ahead.

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry