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The Night

The NIGHT The sound of the train fades slowly into the black of night While the dense fog and the rain put up a good fight Awakened from a dead sleep in the middle of the night My eyes trying to focus hard to regain my sight A dream still fresh in my mind of another time and place Please go back to sleep so I can finish my race The sound of silence echoes throughout Yet It whispers enough that you can hear it without a doubt Prayers are restated as I try and return to my sleep I try real hard but my mind is to weak Thoughts of things happening around the world we hear and see I think to myself that could be you and or me My eyes become heavy after talking to GOD one more time My body and mind relax and leave my thoughts behind Thank you GOD for all that you do For you are always part of my life and I truly love you Tammy Arrowood 10/01/2018??

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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