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Restart Poems - Poems about Restart

Restart Poems - Examples of all types of poems about restart to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for restart.
Premium Member Relearning the Shape of Yourself
I no longer fit the outline of who I used to be. The edges have shifted, some softened, some sharpened, some lost altogether, as if time has carved me into something unrecognizable but still mine. I reach for old habits, old names, old certainties, but they...Read the rest...
Categories: restart, poems,
Form: Free verse
Once again they lie, Once again, they spin their tale, My instincts whispered long ago. Underestimated, as always, it sails, Through currents of pretense they choose to throw. They undermine, as though...Read the rest...
Categories: restart, betrayal, break up, feelings,
Form: Free verse

Open your eyes, Let the sun rise. Begin your art; Think it a restart. Getup for hiking. You better be joking? Setup your chart, Think it a restart. Situp for breakie Let that be cookie. Just fill the cart, Think it a restart. ...Read the rest...
Categories: restart, 12th grade, absence, age,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Restart
Let's learn to walk again, hold hands for first steps, new beginnings. Not afraid to stumble, or fear being judged for fumbles. Nap anywhere without setting an alarm, and no thoughts cross our minds of self-harm. Let's make cheat notes...Read the rest...
Categories: restart, emotions, feelings, poems,
Form: Rhyme
Sometimes I sit by myself and I think of our past Having no idea then - that this long it would even last In 2015 you showed me a fake side of you We knew from the beginning...Read the rest...
Categories: restart, boyfriend, faith, grief,
Form: Rhyme

I’ve gone back in time. But only in my head? I’m strangely curious, and not panicked like a moment ago. Ok, this time I’m going to figure this out. My brain is trapped in some sort of...Read the rest...
Categories: restart, mental illness,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Restart
thrusting the back day's echoes into cache and restart with new sunshine ...Read the rest...
Categories: restart, sunshine,
Form: Monoku
Born to create, deceived to consume. We think we are so royal and grand. Brilliant and creative we do assume. In truth a wasteland, at best secondhand. We repeat what has already been had. Or simply...Read the rest...
Categories: restart, hope, solitude,
Form: Rhyme
You Need a Song
You need a song To carry along With you in your heart For you to restart Help you find a new groove When you need a new mood Or blindsided by love And you just had enough On your journey through life To stave...Read the rest...
Categories: restart, emotions, encouraging, endurance, lost
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Restart
Locked in, I should count my blessings cooking, cleaning, playing, having fun recalling good olden rememberings the things we could not do on the run we always had a 'to do list' gun whose bullets never seemed to end this opportunity...Read the rest...
Categories: restart, blessing, meaningful,
Form: Dizain
Restart Button
Living this far The years of trials I face Amazed With my two feet Still standing still Wondering How I still be able To be here, Today Though Wishing Restarting my life again To certain time That days That very moment Before it falls apart Should not have Think...Read the rest...
Categories: restart, age, appreciation, beautiful, desire,
Form: Free verse
Letting Dawn Restart
M-orn I-s L-etting D-awn R-estart E-rasing D-ark E-vening B-y U-sing E-ffulgence Topic: Birthday of Mildred Ebue (October 07) Form: Vertical Monocrostic...Read the rest...
Categories: restart, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Stop. Pause. Restart. Let the day begin You’re in my life again I never thought this would happen My face hurts from smiling I love you I really do I never thought I’d say that again We have both grown as people I see that...Read the rest...
Categories: restart, anxiety, depression, emotions, mental
Form: Free verse
Premium Member How To Restart
Lost with our own remarks How to rego how to restart And we turn at every corner Looking for the familiar But we cut the chord Nothing to bring us back To life from heart attack...Read the rest...
Categories: restart, 9th grade, absence, america,
Form: Free verse
Turn and look at me Lie to me, Your truth Build me up with your dirty words Whispered loudly, left to echo with uncouth Disgusted Reflections Even the mirrors have lost sight Too many people needing to look just right,unscathed...Read the rest...
Categories: restart, best friend, betrayal, evil,
Form: Sonnet

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry