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You Need a Song

You need a song To carry along With you in your heart For you to restart Help you find a new groove When you need a new mood Or blindsided by love And you just had enough On your journey through life To stave off the knives Through all the rough times Pull you from the deep dives When your love folds their cards Everything seems just too hard Your all alone in your room No one there to hold you When your friends miss the mark The road ahead seems too dark Despite how awful it sounds You have a way out Sing your song soft or loud No matter the crowds It will help you switch gears As the words reach your ears Soon you’ll be dancing around In the new life you’ve found It won’t even take long Now go write your song

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 1/24/2021 3:31:00 PM
Sounds like good advice! I'm off to write that song now. Music and Magic, Gershon
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Burkett Avatar
C. A. Burkett
Date: 1/24/2021 9:19:00 PM
Cool! Let me know when you have one!-C

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry