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Rebelled Poems - Poems about Rebelled

Rebelled Poems - Examples of all types of poems about rebelled to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for rebelled.
Premium Member Pointing Accusing Fingers
... total fiction I heard the words repeated on the news so sick of them that my mind rebelled... "Doge's plan and Trump commands the Constitution should be banned. Hell to that Chief! Th......Read the rest...
Categories: rebelled, humor,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Sunrise like a poem
... I sat by a boulder, then an image grew A goddess with a pen hovered over the stone She said I'm a muse, with a mission for you To write a song titled "sunrise like a poem." I said "nothing rh......Read the rest...
Categories: rebelled, art, creation, imagery, inspiration,
Form: Lyric

Echoes of Chains A Poem on Colonization in Malaysia
... Once, the rivers ran free and bold, Through emerald lands, rich with gold. Mountains whispered to the sky, Under the watchful, sovereign eye. Then came ships with foreign flags, Tongues of s......Read the rest...
Categories: rebelled, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Life After Death
..."House of lies, pride and bone, The gauzy instability in my augmentation, I feel the hostility commence deep into my lanes. I prom in the masquerade of the mirror and cannot identify myself as an e......Read the rest...
Categories: rebelled, absence, abuse, addiction, anger,
Form: Free verse
Mercy and Justice
...The smell of blood dominated the field but to the culprit, He had put a shield Where is justice? Did he not deserve to be punished? The whole nation rebelled against him. Drove his patience b......Read the rest...
Categories: rebelled, bible,
Form: Free verse

the rotting of socialism
...The rotting of a socialist I knew of a young man, a rebel who wanted his country to adopt the Scandinavian model of socialism. He was elected to great acclaim by the people, he wanted taxes to ......Read the rest...
Categories: rebelled, africa, age, betrayal, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member The Outlaw Ethel Slater
...This is the story of Ethel Slater An anarchistic agitator She met her end in feigned humility At a reinforced facility Ethel, no more golden hearted Let me tell you how that started And let ......Read the rest...
Categories: rebelled, age, political,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Is the Satan evil?
...Why evil is the evil? Is Satan evil? Is the Satan the Evil? God and Lucifer are enemies. Hmm, Because the Angel of Light rebelled against his creator God millions of years ago. But why? ......Read the rest...
Categories: rebelled, life, philosophy,
Form: Free verse
What God?
...So many people on social media and in my life continuely tell me Jesus and God God and Jesus, they'll always love you if u just praise them and keep praying. You keep Talking about how he is coming ......Read the rest...
Categories: rebelled, angel, anger, anxiety, atheist,
Form: Free verse
Sweet Heart
...Sweet, dear heart, How tangled up you've been. Stifled by the echoes of pain, Wrapped up in threads of cautionary memory. I ignored you, Chose not to hear you, I put barriers in place. I den......Read the rest...
Categories: rebelled, change, confidence, courage, deep,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member From Spirit to Flesh
... Peaceful existence as a Being of light; Not of flesh, not of clay, nor soil, yet made. Created with the Breath of Life. Spoken into miraculous awareness from the lips of The God, Jehov......Read the rest...
Categories: rebelled, angel, bible, creation, death,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member evil empire irony
...When 1953 began Iran’s oil annexation plan Meant seizing our stuff But the CIA’s tough And installed the Shah as he-man   Since Iran’s parliament was dead And Muslims brutally bled The people......Read the rest...
Categories: rebelled, bullying, evil, history, irony,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member On the Beginning of Things and the First Principles of Being or Existence
... I. Before the world, before the sun, when time was young, and heaven's hosts together as choir sung before the angels fell, who came undone. If Satan's base rebellion was not......Read the rest...
Categories: rebelled, creation, earth, fate, god,
Form: Ode
Easter as interpreted by one
...Easter as interpreted by one... rebated, rebelled, rebirthed, rebooted, and rebuked courtesy one ill shod Unitarian atheist, who means NOT to affect any sacrilegious fallout nor offend devo......Read the rest...
Categories: rebelled, adventure, bible, celebration, christian,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member All Twelve Apostles: A Tyburn
...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PETER or SIMON the YOUNGER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ slower lower grower thrower Christ calls~"Have faith,"~slower~lower~rock Build church~confuse~grower~thrower~flock ......Read the rest...
Categories: rebelled, allusion, analogy, appreciation, baptism,
Form: Tyburn

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