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Rambles Poems - Poems about Rambles

Rambles Poems - Examples of all types of poems about rambles to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for rambles.

"Be not careless in deeds, nor confused in words, nor rambling in thoughts." (Marcus Aurelius) In certain moments, less is more. It's regarded as a cliche, but when you think hard about it, it is true in many...Read the rest...
Categories: rambles, high school, hilarious, middle
Form: Quatern
Tv Rambles
The couch potato sits as he did long ago Since video killed the radio star and Hands that do dishes The box in the corner An ever morphing capitalists dream Long since and now It peers at us with sights and...Read the rest...
Categories: rambles, memory, , memorial,
Form: Light Verse

Bed of Rambles
BED OF RAMBLES Nothing is certain Within the board of your game Everything is fluid Apt to change Actors as well as Scenarios Motivations and words Consequences for paths I have chose Collecting the weeds My complacency grew As my complaints are kept unheard The gardener Grim...Read the rest...
Categories: rambles, absence, i love you,
Form: Romanticism

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Final Rambles
Not many would pay attention Even fewer would care If I went beyond pretension And did as I dare If I let go of ambition And released my tortured soul No glory or recognition Playing the undertaker's role I wish not any sympathy For...Read the rest...
Categories: rambles, suicide
Form: ABC
Heart full of air; no blood Veins full of life; no ambition Thoughts clouded with a headache a migraine of frustration My hesitation to start or to finish.. New or old its always the same in the end. Ending with goodbye...Read the rest...
Categories: rambles, confusion, heart, heart,
Form: Blank verse

The Rambles of Men and Women
My man seem to keep his emotions within, thinking his woman cannot understand him All I know is, sometimes he tells me things that’s untrue I stare at him, like I can read his mind and then, he...Read the rest...
Categories: rambles, girlfriend-boyfriend, life, lost love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Poet Rambles
the truth never told me a lie; if one writes a thousand poems one has a thousand poems written; everyone sees the sky as blue; Chicken Little is the only one the poet knows to...Read the rest...
Categories: rambles, dedication, life, life, poems,
Form: Free verse
Too Many Rambles
Too Many Rambles Tiger Woods Seems to have spread his “goods.” His life is now in shambles. From his extra-curricular rambles. © Dane Ann Smith-Johnsen January 22, 2010 Poetic form: Clerihew...Read the rest...
Categories: rambles, angst, family, funny, sports
Form: Clerihew
Premium Member Ridgeway Rambles
Avebury a Wiltshire village low To windswept beacon of Ivinghoe. Eighty-five miles,vale and hill Wayfare freedoms,exhilarate and thrill. Striding downs in grassy scrub Midst trees and clumps of shrub; Shaded lanes,gates and stiles, Wayside pubs to rest awhile. Overton to Wantage plain Goring and...Read the rest...
Categories: rambles, places,
Form: Ballad

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry