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The Rambles of Men and Women

My man seem to keep his emotions within, thinking his woman cannot understand him All I know is, sometimes he tells me things that’s untrue I stare at him, like I can read his mind and then, he will say I am acting like a sleuth As my mother always says, just tell the truth Our relationship can be on one accord, If he stops, acting like it is a chore I’m are here for him but he says, not I try to do everything to hit that spot Some of his male friends join in and say women do not care, That is why they go out and have affairs Nevertheless, women understand more than they know That is why we have to pack and go, So we will not continue to be their yoyos 04/16/12

Copyright © | Year Posted 2012

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Date: 4/16/2012 8:21:00 AM
I enjoyed reading your poem. Absolutely, men and women have different mentalities. That's why I was wishing before that if my brothers were my sisters, they could understand me better. Thanks for sharing your poem again and thanks for your comments,too.
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