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Purloining Poems - Poems about Purloining

Purloining Poems - Examples of all types of poems about purloining to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for purloining.
Premium Member Love and Apartheid
...After dark in blinding night, malicious lips have heavy eyes. Eros leads me to my heart, to flesh that can't be masked. Blackness is a maze. Within the maze, there's blackout. ......Read the rest...
Categories: purloining, africa, discrimination, love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Living Dead
...A vast multitude adorn in dregs purloining, Fashionable filth clocked with piety, Showmanship on sacred alters, Multitude of compromised public orators. Fair formalities of professors void of......Read the rest...
Categories: purloining, allusion, bereavement, bible, christian,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Still, We Look Up
...We have toiled, we have laboured. we have launched into the deep, we wearied ourselves in tempest. endangering our lives for filths, Our summer too short for relief, and the winter too lon......Read the rest...
Categories: purloining, adventure, courage, cry, emotions,
Form: Lyric

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member The Poisoned Bottle
...The Wuhan experiment concealed, The cunning crafts devised, Myriad of ignorant mass their targets, An agenda unmasked, Polluted atmosphere Forged idea of a prepared viceroy. "Mask up" "Six f......Read the rest...
Categories: purloining, anxiety, bullying, change, corruption,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member The Enemy On My Bed
...And he said unto them, If ye had not plowed with my heifer, ye had not found out my riddle.Judges 14:18b They plowed with the heifer, A stranger of a day,...Read the rest...
Categories: purloining, allegory, allusion, betrayal, black
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Indices of a Loon
...GOODLUCK Gutless muffled monarch wooed millions to the poll, Oozing pathetic speech of poverty (I once had no shoes) On congruent grounds we let him, though we hate......Read the rest...
Categories: purloining, abuse, africa, confusion, corruption,
Form: Burlesque
Premium Member The Intruder
...Idlers, paved paths with active energies, purloining, feigning amity. Dodgy & concealing past immoral dregs by comradely, waspish mien. Obdurately empowered by this stranger plucked from th......Read the rest...
Categories: purloining, black love, divorce, evil,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Penetration Privileges
...Like God amassing gifts of gold and frankincense and myrrh, vain potentates, possessed by pride that riches will confer, depleted pillaged villages in pagan days of old… With penetration privilege......Read the rest...
Categories: purloining, conflict, humanity, war,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Subdued Light
...How often have I asked why did you enter my life? I was happy, even if in isolation. You felt that I should share. Do not birds share their seeds? Do not fish swim in shoals? We were not meant ......Read the rest...
Categories: purloining, lost love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Contrast
...In slumbering slope they lay, their gaiety snores in rhythmic peaks of cadences, The lily livered japes Kings from central castings, Heroes of one hour, jostling for President with mere word......Read the rest...
Categories: purloining, africa, character, courage, freedom,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Premium Member Indices of a Loon
...GOODLUCK Gutless muffled monarch wooed millions to the poll, Our feeble lord enforced by pathetic speech of poverty (I once had no shoes) On congruent grounds of pain we forced him, though we ......Read the rest...
Categories: purloining, corruption, crazy, culture, heartbroken,
Form: Alliteration
Flamboyant Flowers of Anguish
...Flamboyant petals of flowers of anguish Blossom in full bloom in your garden Sworn your seasons and reasons for bliss to finish Your favourite abode and space in the garden of Eden Flowers of a......Read the rest...
Categories: purloining, poems,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Smelly Stuff Absorbed
...Smelly Stuff Absorbed There are many words for those excrements that appear on the fabric in incremental solid and deliquescent motions because ingestion fulfils that autonomous need to shed ab......Read the rest...
Categories: purloining, pain,
Form: Free verse
Victoria Is My Muse
...Victoria is my muse, I can't get her off of my mind Refreshed by a vivid elegance with sun glowing golden hair She is like no other, enchanting my mortal mind A wonder if she is softer than the fi......Read the rest...
Categories: purloining, crush, emotions, for her,
Form: ABC
...Growing, manifesting, enlarging as the minutes pass. Teeth mashing together, grinding back and forth, licking its lips voraciously, eyes keening in for a meal, done letting time circle around, done c......Read the rest...
Categories: purloining, lust,
Form: I do not know?

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry