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The Intruder

Idlers, paved paths with active energies, purloining, feigning amity. Dodgy & concealing past immoral dregs by comradely, waspish mien. Obdurately empowered by this stranger plucked from their nocturnal fantasies Wanton mistresses of countless broken walls in desperation for time. Unbridled intrusion cloaked in religiosity vexed by undefined arrogance. Oft, in pretext, manipulating, with energies stronger than the POPE. Habits of a thuggish intervention foist on bewitched “soul tie” Ill-beseeming nuances summoning this Stygian to their unsealed brothels Obvious cliquish vindictive venom of a barrage of past bed felon. Zestfully compelling, violently intrusive and surreptitiously preying. Ending the farce, Rapscallion oozing countless entries on the rotten hole.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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