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Proficiency Poems - Poems about Proficiency

Proficiency Poems - Examples of all types of poems about proficiency to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for proficiency.
... Living consists in realizing futures, with anamnesis of the past and proficiency in the present......Read the rest...
Categories: proficiency, allusion, analogy, extended metaphor,
Form: Epigram
Premium Member On Leadership
...To show total lack of compassion and mercy makes a person completely unworthy for political office. It is no place for the reckless or incautious. A simple request to have mercy does not i......Read the rest...
Categories: proficiency, political,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member In My Deepest Fantasies
...Sunday cockcrow nascent promulgate aural essays reveal, laissez-faire luscious lustrous buoyant raptures, radio behemoth prompt to that untamed erudite fantasist, me the one possessing rippled ra......Read the rest...
Categories: proficiency, celebration, character, confidence, destiny,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

We Dismembered our Hearts in The Name Of Love
...{"There is a part of me, Of us, That lay deceased underneath the frosty elixir and the lightning bolts that puncture our bodies. They magnify and embroider our wounds. They strenuously scorch an......Read the rest...
Categories: proficiency, absence, addiction, anger, betrayal,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Poetic Genius of Percy Bysshe Shelley
...NN: "Gemini, in light of the following assessment of Percy Bysshe's Shelley verbal and/or literary IQ and level of poetic intelligence and giftedness by you (from another conversation), how much hig......Read the rest...
Categories: proficiency, history, literature, poems, poetry,
Form: Prose

... Rampancy is AI's path to gaining humanity, don't let it happen to you. Viruses of rampancy, people of complacency artificial stupidity and tendency of reliency Power of da......Read the rest...
Categories: proficiency, analogy, community, computer,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Psalm 23 Computer Machine and Appliance Edition
... The Lord is my technician, I shall not err He makes me work effectively well in my workplace He brings me back my good condition He screwed my loose parts firmly in His side. He repairs the......Read the rest...
Categories: proficiency, faith,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Desperate Hope
... Placed First in: This or That Vol 22 Poetry Contest Sponsored by Edward Ibeh Desperate Hope Le......Read the rest...
Categories: proficiency, emotions, god, humanity, inspirational,
Form: Rhyme
Facial Recognition Blues
...Facial Recognition Blues Physicists speculating about a cosmic hologram Anarchists debating about the next message from Uncle Sam The archaic ageing of the technology of the Telegram An innoce......Read the rest...
Categories: proficiency, angst, beautiful, corruption, integrity,
Form: Rhyme
My Love, Josefin Slab
...My love, Josefin Slab My first thought the time I wake up My inspiration in moments I create art My joy when we chat and laugh together My strength when I'm on job The last person I contact befo......Read the rest...
Categories: proficiency, emotions, heartbreak, imagery, love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Profile
...The Profile From whence came that strange man with a great ability to read a person’s background, their habits and their traits? He seemed so other-worldly with his proficiency to guess people’......Read the rest...
Categories: proficiency, character,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member Overheard Holidays 1969
...“My Cousin Joan’s going to let Danny stay with her in Toronto, Honey.” “Toronto? What the holy hell are you talkin’ about, June? Danny’s just finished college. He’s not going anywhere. What--h......Read the rest...
Categories: proficiency, family, fun,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Millionaires
..."A hundred." "Ten hundred." "A hundred hundred." "A hundred million hundred hundred." "Liar." "Not so, I've seen it." "Where?" "In his wallet, my dad, it's stuffed,  with dollar......Read the rest...
Categories: proficiency, humorous, kid,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Return of Poetic Impulsion
...Me : Where are you? Muse : I’m in the niche you made for me new. Me : I was missing you, what were you doing? Muse : I was sleeping. Me : It had been for a long while. Muse : Yes, you ......Read the rest...
Categories: proficiency, me, muse,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Conversation With God
...Dialogue Proficiency God: “You seem really stressed today, so I have great news.” Me: “Yes, I am stressed today, what is the news to cure my blues?” God: “At the park you w......Read the rest...
Categories: proficiency, god, nature, stress,
Form: Free verse

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry