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Poetaster Poems - Poems about Poetaster

Poetaster Poems - Examples of all types of poems about poetaster to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for poetaster.
Premium Member A dirge in PRAISE of MGonagall's Forth Bridge
...A poetaster I will always be Renowned throughout eternity For wonky metres and dodgy rhymes Amongst my other versifying crimes Like dull images and dreary words Not to the liking of animals and ......Read the rest...
Categories: poetaster, fun, humor, satire,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Sappy Soupy Tale of a Poetaster
...Who you calling a soupy sap? Soupy. I like slurping soup when it turns into sloup ‘Cause I been staying up way too long Sippin’ soup into the wee hours of night, Sometines, I even make it to ......Read the rest...
Categories: poetaster, appreciation,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member The Poetry of Stone Soup, Part VI
...I like my soup hot, fresh, cold but bone broth is the basis for what makes soup, soup. Not stones. Stones have no nutritional value. Throw me a bone and I’ll put in my soup. All alone. By itself,......Read the rest...
Categories: poetaster, appreciation,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Non Labor Relations Day September 1st 2023 Poem
...Non labor (relations) day September 1st, 2023 poem Aye dream of Genie (as a lad din) Schwenksville, Pennsylvania - keystone state abbreviated as Pea Yay, this stupid non huge poem deployed cou......Read the rest...
Categories: poetaster, 12th grade, adventure, angst,
Form: Rhyme
Television Triptych Throwback
...Television triptych throwback and despite remote chance to channel small medium at large metamorphosis I may witness analogous to caterpillar will transform me into a butterfly otherwise No......Read the rest...
Categories: poetaster, 12th grade, adventure, books,
Form: Rhyme

Poems For Poets Vi
...Poems for Poets VI Caveat by Michael R. Burch If only we were not so eloquent, we might sing, and only sing, not to impress, but only to enjoy, to be enjoyed. We might inundate the ea......Read the rest...
Categories: poetaster, poems, poetry, poets,
Form: Rhyme
Inextricably Rooted With Hair Fixation
...Inextricably rooted with hair fixation As a lad in grade school, yours truly, (a diminutive, intuitive, oversensitive, and vegetative potato head kid, whose voice exhibited a severe nasal twan......Read the rest...
Categories: poetaster, 11th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Stranded In Bittercold Without Food Or Drink
...Stranded in bittercold without food or drink... Though the following twittering scenario quite absurd, methought diehard adherents of mine (intimation also quite far-fetched), some unnamed rea......Read the rest...
Categories: poetaster, absence, adventure, animal, beauty,
Form: Rhyme
Eriobotrya Japonica
...Yours truly never heard, seen, no lies particularly when alone facing my (pushing up daisies) demise, without pretense nor guise, he honestly decries smelled, tasted, nor touched, any size, a......Read the rest...
Categories: poetaster, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme
One Alarm Fire At Highland Manor Apartments
...after dark April 26th, 2022 Prometheus bound out the heavens to strike fear in the hearts of men and women reminding us mortals how like oxen yoked (together via a wooden beam forced to underg......Read the rest...
Categories: poetaster, adventure, angel, appreciation, april,
Form: Rhyme
Quirky Suave Unitarian
...After most recent shower, and particularly washing hair (then shaking head analogous to sopping wet dog drying her/himself after a bath), I immediately said helloo to Long lasting fragrance Sua......Read the rest...
Categories: poetaster, appreciation, august, care, color,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Calliope Lost
...Under her magic, honeyed words poured forth filling his fervent verse with rhyme and wit for suitors to woo and doxies commit to carnal indulgence and thus henceforth as topmost poetaster of the ......Read the rest...
Categories: poetaster, fate, inspiration,
Form: Italian Sonnet
Premium Member Trickster Rhymester
...Ballad monger sang effervescent song trickster rhymester thinks he is rarely wrong tasteless verse sometimes worse a poetaster all the week long......Read the rest...
Categories: poetaster, poetry,
Form: Limerick
Still Reeling Albeit Figuratively After Amidst Realization
...Still reeling (albeit figuratively) after amidst realization... keys to apartment and 2009 Hyundai Sonata went missing Yesterday August tenth year two thousand and twenty one, I experienced bli......Read the rest...
Categories: poetaster, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Technical Difficulty Zooming Into Meeting
...Regarding yours truly he experienced setback amplified by Luddite propensity nostalgic longing for simpler age bring back horse and buggy better yet find me a mancave and/or apprise me ideally......Read the rest...
Categories: poetaster, 12th grade, betrayal, discrimination,
Form: Free verse

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