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Regarding yours truly he experienced setback amplified by Luddite propensity nostalgic longing for simpler age bring back horse and buggy better yet find me a mancave and/or apprise me ideally via email Flintstone web page modality allowing, enabling, and providing excellent linkedin access whereby augmented and/or augmented reality telecommunication simulation delivers, exports, and ferries lame poetaster to small town America a place that time forgot and the decades cannot improve within which dwell strong women, good-looking men and above average children Wobegon place name preserving lifestyle exhibiting voluntary simplicity though aforementioned fictitious locale fires up imagination as does a place called Willoughby flourishing along outer limits of twilight zone buzzfeeding outlier zee crème de la crème confabulist this side of Schwenksville hankering towards... nebulous body, mind and spirit synchronicity courtesy sweat of mine brow equity acquiring alliance, cognizance, existence, guidance, intelligence... think Dick Proenneke alone in the wilderness survivalist jack of all trades I would live free, yet nevertheless die ill equipped to captcha victuals and/or drink to stave off hunger and/or thirst respectively one twenty first century beastie boy heavily dependent upon urbanization, mechanization, industrialization, civilization to savor creature comforts climate controlled environment(s) courtesy finite fossil fuel extraction *****sapiens scourge upon planet Earth me metaphorically on par one more human parasite zapping nonrenewable resources thus desirous (yet helpless) to forsake consumerist lifestyle yet lack ways and means to toil physically to wrest good n plenti juicy fruits of labor, which initial premise as iterated with poem title dramatically off tangent, yes?

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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