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Pluck Poems - Poems about Pluck

The Rind of What I Pluck
I woke up from my slumber, I even wear a cucumber, I heard a timber, What is simmer, I don't have a glitter, I know how to make it better, With enough of sluther, I am not a chatter, My mind is not...Read the rest...
Categories: pluck, 12th grade, age, analogy,
Form: Bio
Premium Member Pluck the wind
One day the flower Of your beauty, Inspired by an angel Of ancient time, Its light with me, Her wings extended. The sun and the moon Dance with her music, Echoing, Like gems of time, The world waiting To pluck the wind....Read the rest...
Categories: pluck, mystery,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Your fingers struggle to follow the path, to fiercely pluck the pretext
Your fingers struggle to follow the path, to fiercely pluck the pretext, As though my being were trying to catch the last drops of your receding waters. You leave our novels under the clear summer sky, waiting...Read the rest...
Categories: pluck, fantasy,
Form: Free verse
The Heart Is A Harp With Strings To Pluck
The heart is a harp with strings to pluck, A melody within, an intricate luck. Each string, a feeling, a vibrant chord, In the symphony of life, where tales are stored. In gentle whispers or tempest's roar, The heart's tender...Read the rest...
Categories: pluck, image, inspirational, introspection,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Pluck a Poet
Loves me, Loves me not? Loves me, Loves me not? Plucking petals is biased, as most flowers have 5 petals! Counting the fingers and toes of a poet, is ever so biased as well! My dear, do you pluck me...Read the rest...
Categories: pluck, angst, poems, poetess, poetry,
Form: Free verse

Don'T Pluck the Roses
So now don't pluck the roses Only thing left at peace A simple flower, that blooms at ease Stuck in soil It can not move They dance to songs They sing to tunes So now don't pluck the roses Because other creatures- Of this...Read the rest...
Categories: pluck, corruption, political,
Form: Free verse
They Lovs Me They Love Me Not Pluck a Petal Joke
Pray pretty please won't you tell me and let me know Which 1 you think i am in fact As i am both severely and uterly confused as i alone think i can not be both at the same time I...Read the rest...
Categories: pluck, anger, love,
Form: Free verse
A Little Pluck
There’s nothing like a little pluck To somehow get things going For you can’t simply count on luck To grow the seeds you’re sowing. A gentle push, a subtle poke Can change the day’s direction And hopes you thought went up...Read the rest...
Categories: pluck, happy,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Pluck and Verve
when on one's mettle beware the backlash spring, from backbiter take downs...Read the rest...
Categories: pluck, work,
Form: Senryu
Premium Member Want To Pluck Her Off the Mountain
She parades around swishing her peacock robes in our faces Toodlie Doo I say, but not out loud fearing her flying monkeys some bow in a pretend honor I know better I hear their hearts sneering Pompous pride wavers...Read the rest...
Categories: pluck, feelings,
Form: Free verse
Don'T Pluck Leaves and Flowers
I am a leaf plucked from a tree ...Read the rest...
Categories: pluck, emotions, flower,
Form: Concrete
Premium Member Pluck
PLUCK courage against odds righteous balancing prepared to fight bullies snake cleverness, dove wisdom “With keen weapons love defends” 9/7/2020 Joseph May’s Pyramids Contest...Read the rest...
Categories: pluck, bullying, courage, love,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Black Spot Pluck
My friend,out of desperation I need to stick my fingers deep inside your heart and pluck out that big black spot Everyone would be much better off... You could finally earn that medal put your humanity on the podium a halo...Read the rest...
Categories: pluck, friendship,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member - Haiku X 146 - the Last Pluck of the Petal -
a oxeye daisy you don't love...Read the rest...
Categories: pluck, cute love, flower,
Form: Haiku
Villanelle 5 'Death Goes A-Begging, Once We Pluck His Sting'
Death goes a-begging, once we pluck his sting! (Christ did it first, but we must do’t again!) In Imitation of Christ, laugh and sing! Though Christ has shot the arrow through the ring, Still we must live out parables,...Read the rest...
Categories: pluck, celebration, death, easter, faith,
Form: Villanelle

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