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Perceptual Poems - Poems about Perceptual

Perceptual Poems - Examples of all types of poems about perceptual to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for perceptual.
Premium Member Streets Of Solitude
... In the resonant noise of continual commotion, as the voice of hysteria feels quietened by the tender touch of consummate calmness, the serene sheath of sentiments sinks slow with uniquely......Read the rest...
Categories: perceptual, analogy, emotions, inspirational,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member MULTISTABLE
...absence of colour black   on white or white   on black deceives   the eye in multistable perceptual    decisions melody/harmony subject/background  &  positive/negative reversa......Read the rest...
Categories: perceptual, art,
Form: Ekphrasis

PartI and Part II
...PART I The Experiment A person who makes bad decisions Is it a secret motivation True naive flexing a muscle only known as misery I can't find an approach I can't see the thoughts like docto......Read the rest...
Categories: perceptual, butterfly, lost love, nature,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

In a Realm of Consciousness
...I'm not a shapeshifter or a drifter searching for a home, one who's weary of roaming like a song on the wind that no ears can hear except for mine alone. I'm not a gypsy cursed by a bind......Read the rest...
Categories: perceptual, appreciation, inspirational, life,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Perceptual Consciousness
...PERCEPTUAL CONSCIOUSNESS Is it a perceived danger in the scent of night air that triggers a message to my brain of reminiscent horrors or is there imminent danger? Is there an underlying re......Read the rest...
Categories: perceptual, confusion, dark, emotions, growth,
Form: Free verse

Future Gifts
...To be Vessels of Selflessness we're understanding that through birth is our future unfolding; carried upon the shoulders of guiltlessness; through minds of inoffensiveness; embraced by hands of ......Read the rest...
Categories: perceptual, children, future, growth, life,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Road Signs
...Our daily lives are filled with them, whether in front Of us, or in the rear-view mirror. And though at times the reflection is backwards, The messages are loud and clear. They provide ......Read the rest...
Categories: perceptual, travel,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member The Dragon
...There are men (fair knights) who always get what they want. If suddenly, Mr. Knight doesn’t get - say, a girl (the fair maiden) - he’s confused - what IS this, he wonders but he doesn’t KNOW. We wil......Read the rest...
Categories: perceptual, analogy, character, education, lost,
Form: Free verse
Define Love
...That tangible dream as perceptual touch, the extended soul by birth anticipated so much. Beauties fairest trade wherein all adjust itself in time, life’s captivity for that motion fragrance to ref......Read the rest...
Categories: perceptual, feelings, first love, sweet
Form: Ballade
I Am Dancing Along the Corridor of Love
...I AM DANCING ALONG THE CORRIDOR OF LOVE. As I write to you, family and friends have started suspecting perhaps I'm suffering from 'lovecamia' that is, the problem of not being loved as coined by m......Read the rest...
Categories: perceptual, i love you,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Doors To Power Perception
...Sogyal Rinpoche tells a Doors to Perception story. Positive and negative feeling individuals bear witness to a river. Those more goddess-like see this river as great savory fragrant nutri......Read the rest...
Categories: perceptual, earth, health, pollution, power,
Form: Political Verse
Kama Sutra
...Kama sutra The Sanskrit ancient text on making love, the seductive motions to reach bliss from all above. Rhymes and verses revealing hundredfold suggestions, the divinity of making love and no......Read the rest...
Categories: perceptual, fantasy, sexy, spiritual,
Form: Ballade
Electric Coma
... Logic code conundrum: Y^~*~^O^~*~^Y were^~*~^N^~*~^organic neutrons such as^~*~^I^~*~^ given artificial^~*~^N^~*~^telligence? I^~*~^B^~*~^not RAM dumb, nor memory^~*~^N^~*~^sufficien......Read the rest...
Categories: perceptual, allegory, computer, creation, science,
Form: Epic
Premium Member Fundamental Compassion Roots
...What is dogmatically unchangingly fundamental to Christianity, and to all win/win positive faith systems, is certainly not capitalism's ZeroSum economic assumptions in which winner god takes all ......Read the rest...
Categories: perceptual, change, christian, faith, health,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Moon Face Stares Perpetual
...The moon's face is transfixed, spellbound, staring, stupefied; never blinking, never flinching never looking away. For Earth has locked the near side of the moon, to forever face us. It has loc......Read the rest...
Categories: perceptual, moon,
Form: Free verse

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry