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Pass Out Poems - Poems about Pass Out

Pass Out Poems - Examples of all types of poems about pass out to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for pass out.
The Christmas Cafe
...The Christmas Cafe I scratch my nails against my head and ponder a while in thought, but my soul turns bare And Death twirls his curled hair. Taunting me as my breaths become caugh......Read the rest...
Categories: pass out, absence, allegory, angel, angst,
Form: Rhyme
To Disassociate
...First I feel it rushing through my head The lighting dims, My vision blurs And nothing around me makes sense This is where I start to fade Or a More proper term would be this is where I start t......Read the rest...
Categories: pass out, confusion, identity, me, perspective,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member My Favorite Teacher
... Without frills or frame, a black and white portrait of a teacher. I loved Amid a haphazard heap of faded memories, an image sticks out, the image of my favorite teacher......Read the rest...
Categories: pass out, appreciation, best friend, eulogy,
Form: Haibun

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

...Dress up this tasty circular bread with cream cheese, lox, or veggie spread. A pumpernickel choice with marmalade jelly, just cried out to my empty belly. There are too many people in this wai......Read the rest...
Categories: pass out, food, funny,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Jane-By-Pebble-Beach: -3-
...I think you would have found sociology agreeable. The chapters jump right into the heart of the matter and do not cause you to stray wondering--spelled with an 'o' not an 'a'--as 'stray' w......Read the rest...
Categories: pass out, analogy,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Anxiety
...I am getting used to feeling like I am constantly on edge Like life is spinning out of control Like I will explode if I get one more piece of bad news Like life is stacked against me Yes, I hav......Read the rest...
Categories: pass out, anxiety, mental health,
Form: Free verse
The truth don't lie
...Stage 4 cervical cancer, Is what she had, A long line of cancers but this one was bad, It wasn't by choice not to be picked, I would rather it was not , Every problem it ticked, It silently ......Read the rest...
Categories: pass out, bereavement, cancer, grief,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Disturbing Evil emerged
...My terror began decades ago as I’d witnessed the plotting plans of taking a building down meetings conversations of how dynamite hand grenades including golf balls with draino finally dust pans to po......Read the rest...
Categories: pass out, allah,
Form: Naat
Premium Member twirling
...I’m just twirling in the center of my room. I’ve got way too much to do. Has that ever happened to you? I’m assailed, derailed and impaled by indecision. I can’t find my lucky pencil and I have......Read the rest...
Categories: pass out, humor, school, student,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Rap Up Passover
... ~ Rapid Rap-style Chant ~ Pass over, Pass over, pass out Pass over, Pass over, pass out Drink the four cups of wine Now your eyes don’t align Pass over, Pass over, pass ou......Read the rest...
Categories: pass out, fun, holiday, humor, jewish,
Form: Lyric
Desperation Multiplied
...My mind wanders until I pass out from exhaustion. Ivory dreams that end in disappointment because reality is so bittersweet. As I float along an 80 proof river my senses become dull with compassion......Read the rest...
Categories: pass out, addiction,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Pass Out
... Passover Passover Pass out What’s all the commotion about Those four cups of wine My eyes don’t align Passover Passover Pass out * * * * ......Read the rest...
Categories: pass out, drink, holiday, humor, jewish,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member A Proven Fact
... A Proven Fact Miracle Man 4/19/2024 Politicians will lie, to hold on to their power. But in election years, they’ve learned how to cower. They couldn’t care less, about the rank a......Read the rest...
Categories: pass out, how i feel, humorous,
Form: Quatrain
The First Time You Broke Me
... **Content warning: depicts abuse (please skip to one of my more lightheaded poems if one needs to). To you, your abuse began as a game or joke, so insidious, so quietly inhumane, a spo......Read the rest...
Categories: pass out, abuse, betrayal, child abuse,
Form: Alexandrine
Endings are the best part
... I wish the smoking would hurry up and kill me. Too much of a coward to hold the revolver to my head and pull. I wish the cancer would drool through my veins like the scattered kisses I’d give h......Read the rest...
Categories: pass out, angst, anxiety, cancer, death,
Form: Free verse

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry