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Oregon Poems - Poems about Oregon

Oregon Poems - Examples of all types of poems about oregon to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for oregon.
Premium Member Living Surreality One Night in Oregon
It’s getting late and I can’t wait to sleep. Insomnia always has hold of me at bedtime. Tonight I feel hopeful of a visit from the sandman! My adult son and his buddies are drinking and playing...Read the rest...
Categories: oregon, surreal,
Form: Narrative
Oregon's Wizard Island Folk, Song
Windswept shave emulsifies the face of the Lake. The fowl in the air bnb, giggles, as it scans for exfoliant fish to delicate. She put her order in...Read the rest...
Categories: oregon, art,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member The Oregon Trail
Categories: oregon, courage, history, journey, life,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

The 12 Days of Noel Oregon Usa
ON DAY 1 of Noel my sweetie gave to me a Bluejay in a Fir Tree! ON DAY 2 of Noel my sweetie gave to me...Read the rest...
Categories: oregon, christmas,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Opulent Oregon
dance in pewter rain graceful like silvery swans opal sky feathers September 17th 2023...Read the rest...
Categories: oregon, bird, color, dance, rain,
Form: Haiku

Best Sandwich Ever
Best Sandwich Ever Sam Adams favorite sandwich Was the make it yourself sandwich Served at the Ashland Oregon, Co-Op A modified BLT sandwich on Gluten-free bread Cheese, roast beef or pastrami, bacon Sprouts, lettuce, tomatoes, dill pickles, peppers...Read the rest...
Categories: oregon, food, fun,
Form: Free verse
Close Encounter With Humankind Pt2
The three coyotes Watched this all unfold Waiting for Sam to disappear They knew they had a half An hour Before the OSP would appear They pounced on Maria Snarling hungry scarfing her Drinking up her fresh blood Ripping her...Read the rest...
Categories: oregon, nature,
Form: Free verse
Close Encounter With the Humankind
Sam Adams Lived in Medford Oregon Where he ran a vacation home business And was part of the Ashland Chamber of Commerce Who were his adopted family One day he was out on the mountain highway Outside of town When ...Read the rest...
Categories: oregon, animal, nature,
Form: Epic
Ore G On
There once was a woman, "Plus sighs" Who was known for her "Hungry Eyes" Although she loved food She soon had a brood By switching to group exercise! * *When the French discovered a land teeming with food, grapes, and beautiful women,...Read the rest...
Categories: oregon, humor, women,
Form: Limerick
The Oregon Dept of Education
In Oregon, they’ve gone too far In terms of education, Instructing teachers hoping to Prevent discrimination. A course designed to tackle Racial tendencies in math States that “getting the right answer” Sends kids on a toxic path. Requiring the students to Display...Read the rest...
Categories: oregon, education, math,
Form: Rhyme
Demon Cat From Oregon
Oregon Demon Cat The demon cat Lived in Medford Oregon The demon cat was a big black cat His eyes were filled with demonic energy He stared at you Looking into your very soul Filled with anger, and hatred For the...Read the rest...
Categories: oregon, angst, anxiety, cat, dark,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Oregon Summer
summer in oregon when the snowflakes turn into milkshakes...Read the rest...
Categories: oregon, abuse,
Form: Free verse
I have seen beaches with no one on them. I have seen beaches with hoards upon them. I have seen beaches glistening in the moonlight. I have seen beaches bathed in sunlight. I have seen beaches covered in driftwood. I...Read the rest...
Categories: oregon, appreciation, beach, dream, inspiration,
Form: Blank verse
Spring Time In Oregon
Spring has finally sprung in Oregon Escaping from the longer winter prison That has covered the land with snow They say that this winter Was a colder than normal winter Wetter than normal As the long drought finally ended As nature...Read the rest...
Categories: oregon, spring,
Form: Free verse
The Oregon Coast
Vistas, vistas everywhere With waves that crash then shrink. My thirst for beauty's almost quenched Yet still, I want to drink. If I could soak up every scene And etch it in my mind, I'd conjure it when life gets...Read the rest...
Categories: oregon, beauty,
Form: Rhyme

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry