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Mri Poems - Poems about Mri

Mri Poems - Examples of all types of poems about mri to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for mri.

Premium Member Mri
I was in an MRI today…. I thought of all the people who are kind to me All the people who help me with things All the people who have made a positive difference - Each and...Read the rest...
Categories: mri, appreciation, beauty, care, inspirational,
Form: Free verse
Mri Music
While waiting for my MRI And nervous, I will not deny, The techies then guessed That a music request Might calm me, so I did comply. I naturally chose rock & roll Since being absorbed was my goal. With my eyes tightly...Read the rest...
Categories: mri, music,
Form: Limerick

Premium Member Mri
Ever had an MRI on your brain... YIKES!!! Like excruciating pneumatic drills driving in spikes Left bits of my brain On the pillow, WHAT PAIN! Even with ear plugs, a sadistic torture unlike...Read the rest...
Categories: mri, simile, sound,
Form: Limerick

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Mri Report
At least I have an understanding now, Of what's causing all my pain, It doesn't really help yet, It's still driving me insane. I'm having trouble sleeping, My pills make me feel sick, My head's filled with cotton balls, It really feels...Read the rest...
Categories: mri, health, pain,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Mri Terror
MRI terror overwhelmed Magnetic blanket weight Heavy pressing down crushing air Compressed can't breath can't do Changed blanket lighter one helped Closed eyes, plugged ears, go Woody The Woodpecker turned loose Clanging aluminum...Read the rest...
Categories: mri, health, life, science
Form: Quatrain

Mri Report
Artifact, uncertain Degenerative and Facet disease Broad based Subarticular zone Forminal Narrowing Impact Root Osteophyte Spinal Stenosis If you understand this, please explain it to me!! :)...Read the rest...
Categories: mri, health
Form: Light Verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things