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Mischief Poems - Poems about Mischief

Mischief Poems - Examples of all types of poems about mischief to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for mischief.
Premium Member January 20th mischief
Billionaires live in a rat hole And hoard funds for their barren soul Their burrows and blight Are nests out of sight Where pest control's just whack-a-mole The rich bribe the prez with cash nuts And praise Trumpenstein's rodent guts! Those privileged...Read the rest...
Categories: mischief, america, mental illness, money,
Form: Limerick
In mischief God made human mind
Like bubbles borne by sea if be this life— In space of time a mere random moment And still myriads of rare promises rife, E’en bubbles as event can make a dent. Wish, I see...Read the rest...
Categories: mischief, creation, god,
Form: Sonnet

Witness mischief
The cheating love You know how we are deep into the sea of love Like Salt doesn't cheat the water of sea sand doesn't cheat the depth of sea Like fire doesn't cheat the wood and...Read the rest...
Categories: mischief, kiss, proposal, sexy,
Form: Romanticism

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member K K K
Kant komment keener Loony labour greens and teals Liberal loosers Rorts and squeals..Alphabet soup They they can't connect.' Their voice was rejected.' Whars up next? Reckless toothles renewable fuels Concocted by morons, and peddled By fools.' Elbows comrades gather round Theres Michelle Rowland as...Read the rest...
Categories: mischief, appreciation,
Form: Rhyme
Mischief Managed
You were anticipating shallow water Instead you fell in the deep end This water’s a shade of blue you haven’t seen before You forgot that curiosity killed the cat Explains why you would you go and do a...Read the rest...
Categories: mischief, feelings, heartbroken, poetry,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Start Mischief
Not too much to say I’ll keep it concise, just stuff that energy inside my hat; There is trouble in witch’s paradise; But as they say I’ve got a spell for that; I may seem to be a...Read the rest...
Categories: mischief, emotions, feelings,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member Stirring Things Up
When I was little, my stepfather and I would be outside, coloring the driveway with chalk or throwing a frisbee and he’d stop and say, “I’m gonna go stir your mama up.” He’d go in the...Read the rest...
Categories: mischief, boyfriend, childhood, humor, parents,
Form: Free verse
Kids Just Need To See Your Back
Some kids their parents would chide And the bad habits they hide. "Don't touch your dad's bicycle, He'd mind baby's tricycle" "Make sure you in time arrive And he'll be back before Five!" Moves which make things seem okay; You...Read the rest...
Categories: mischief, age, allusion, child, humanity,
Form: Rhyme
Sword of Mischief Is Ready
Nick's sword of mischief is ready, The thrusts to be ever steady For those he is sure are heady, Now controllable, soon an eddy... Nick's challengers need steely sword, Until they accept a Made Lord, Palm wine has failed with its...Read the rest...
Categories: mischief, bullying, character, conflict, evil,
Form: Rhyme
Calling a Woman Tart
I don't see the funny part Of calling a woman Tart: What you now plan to restart And just burn a happy heart Words of mischief stacked in cart Had never won Purple Heart The loosed...Read the rest...
Categories: mischief, allusion, cat, image, woman,
Form: Rhyme
My whirligigs are whirling Since the wind has come to call And my windsocks’ arms are twirling Like they’re gearing for a brawl. The temperature is dropping Back to wintertime degrees And the gusts will not be stopping ‘Til we all...Read the rest...
Categories: mischief, wind,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member My Cat's Mischief
I have a cat with fur as soft as silk Always Keeps a greedy eye on my milk A cutie, I love so much Sometimes, she acts like a witch Then I cannot but give her a hard kick! I...Read the rest...
Categories: mischief, anger, animal, cat,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Planning a Little Mischief
outside my window I see them colluding plotting and scheming obviously planning for some mischievous purpose to take over the world they're quiet now but not for long soon I know they'll set their plan in motion and who knows what trouble they'll...Read the rest...
Categories: mischief, animal, fun, nature,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Midnight Mischief
Merrily fairies tease lyrical tunes arranged almost airily Breezily frolic with wild woodland sprites dancing through branches of trees Kisses pressed with great delight on the ears of squirrels sleeping in nests Finally as the sun rises, they slip under leaves, sleep peacefully ————— This is a Treochair,...Read the rest...
Categories: mischief, fantasy,
Form: Other
Premium Member Mischief In the Fifties
Wads of Bazooka Joe under my seat cigarette smoke in the john Butting in line for some 'mystery meat' giggling at boys with a 'hard-on' ...Read the rest...
Categories: mischief, history, nostalgia, school, today,
Form: Rhyme

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