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Masseur Poems - Poems about Masseur

Masseur Poems - Examples of all types of poems about masseur to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for masseur.
Premium Member Santa Got Stranded in Florida
... The North Pole life can be so hard. Poor Santa longed to take a break. His missus told him, “Off we go to Florida. It’s for your sake!” While he lounged by the indoor pool, she vamoosed with......Read the rest...
Categories: masseur, love hurts,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member Secrets of Muses
...Wonder is like Joy except more below the waist and less above, said the Muse to the Choreographer. Awe accompanies Wonder and yet feels more silent bass and less trembling treble cleft, ......Read the rest...
Categories: masseur, appreciation, health, humor, integrity,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum

Woe To Mrs Santa
...As Mrs Clause poked at her Chicken Chasseur How could such an opportunity pass her? With the Reindeers on strike Santa slow on his bike Missed her appointment with her hunky Masseur 17/12/22 ......Read the rest...
Categories: masseur, christmas, humorous,
Form: Limerick

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Infidelity
...I was your bride, stood by your side - now you have lied I said before; lies I abhor… you told me four Words get heated, you’d cheated , I feel defeated Your mum is sad and tells your......Read the rest...
Categories: masseur, betrayal, break up,
Form: Rhyme
...Lane We will send you a cream, a cream for massage use The cream comes with a male He is a trained masseur and is equipped with a big tool He will use this on you after massaging you Prepare......Read the rest...
Categories: masseur, desire, emotions, sexy,
Form: Blank verse

Premium Member Good News Sells Too
...Here's the Good News, our world is awash, in wonders and beauty life cannot quash; Like laughter and love, kind words, Turtle Doves, Bar Mitzvahs and birthdays, baptisms and first dates, Promoti......Read the rest...
Categories: masseur, appreciation, cat, dog, happiness,
Form: Free verse
The Rub
...Las Vegas renown Belle E. Danser Is deathly afraid of breast cancer She heard a masseur Developed a cure Best of all, the man's a free lancer!......Read the rest...
Categories: masseur, health,
Form: Limerick
...(A village in the Khasi hills) Sickly pine trees in tiny clusters On balding hillocks with grey grass Fighting harsh battle for survival Against bronchial suffocation Of dust storms stirred up......Read the rest...
Categories: masseur, anniversary, anti bullying, april,
Form: I do not know?
Malady's Healer - Limerick
...Didn’t you ever question your lady’s masseur, And wonder if his intentions were pure? His hands are so strong, The curtains are drawn! And he’s touching her every little contour.......Read the rest...
Categories: masseur, health, humor, sexy,
Form: Burlesque
Undressing Miss Leyla
...miss Leyla has a body that launches ships and carves through mirrored glaciers, deep tanned to front and rear, I wish I was her masseur and while I watch her clothes fall off, to desk ......Read the rest...
Categories: masseur, fantasy, sexy,
Form: Free verse
Temptation's Touch
...TEMPTATION'S TOUCH ----------------------------- His palm soothes the ridges Furrowed in her starlight skin Her masseur, he replenishes Each and every aching extremity The chiming bells of his stroke......Read the rest...
Categories: masseur, christian, corruption, evil, sin,
Form: Concrete
Care For a Massage
...I get paid driving a farm tractor with sideline job as chiropractor. I massage, soothe muscular pains, move circulation through your veins. Never trained in orthopedics. But I've got skills of......Read the rest...
Categories: masseur, funnyfarm,
Form: Tail-rhyme
Masseur's Farm Tractor
...I get paid driving a huge farm tractor with sideline job as chiropractor; I massage and I soothe muscular pains, move vital circulation through your veins. Though I never trained in orthopedics......Read the rest...
Categories: masseur, funnyfarm,
Form: Rhyme
The Bark of Freedom
...listen you peice of rotten soul and insiduous temprement. you died the second your lung's filled.. your's is the agenda of dark door's and damp bone's. you make victim's of the weak and weary. th......Read the rest...
Categories: masseur, angst,
Form: Free verse
Chiropractor's Tractor
...I get paid driving a farm tractor with sideline job as chiropractor; I massage, soothe muscular pains, move circulation through your veins; though never trained in orthopedics, I......Read the rest...
Categories: masseur, funny, happiness, on work
Form: Rhyme

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