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Long Stocky Poems

Long Stocky Poems. Below are the most popular long Stocky by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Stocky poems by poem length and keyword.

Premium Member Chapter 160 -- DAMIAN DELILAH MALLORY HOLANNYA: The Incident with the ACCIDENT
Date:   June  2051

11 am.  Hot moment of Monday 
Morning Molly entertained  Dasheri 
In the gymnasium while Holly busied
Herself preparing the family's large
Meal as she appreciated a hip hop
Song. She pressed...

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Categories: stocky, angst, best friend, business, color, confidence, devotion,
Form: Prose

Premium Member Oliver, a Boy Part 2
Welcome back my weary friends
I promise you this story ends
But not before your time flies through
A tale with a horse or two...

On streets of cobblestone and gray
Where beggars sleep and orphans play
The aged, sick and...

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Categories: stocky, england,
Form: Epic
Premium Member Names From Memory Lane
In my earliest years, I had a best friend classmate named "Yank'.
Back then, I didn't care where he got his name, but now I do.  To this day,      ...

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Categories: stocky, childhood, people,
Form: Rhyme
The Shimmy
Curiosity mounts as the crowd gathers on the hill. Curiosity mounts as the banner stood still. The well that fed me from my youth has open from the mouth and the ships on the sea...

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Categories: stocky, appreciation, color, desire, destiny, happiness, innocence, international,
Form: Free verse
Introductions In Order 4
The rain began to fall steady and slow.The fall rains that ushered in the real drop in temporatures.

Having assembled her pine boughed canopy to dissipate and scatter the plume and the partial entrance covering the...

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Categories: stocky, betrayal,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Tribute To Maradona
Tribute to Maradona                                ...

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Categories: stocky, 12th grade, appreciation, football,
Form: Free verse
Immotu Nunc
Consciousness seeps,
the air moves.
Quickly reach!
Break forth from your tomb.
Visability blurred as my head swoons.
Instincts react! Frozen in place my eyes  roam.
What was that?!  I am not alone.
Instincts react!   Quickly I'm gone.

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Categories: stocky, insect, science fiction,
Form: Rhyme
The Mystery Code
The  Mystery Code.

She is tapping on the glass with her finger nails. The sound is like pins dropping on a tiled floor. Their eyes meet through the hazy glass door, as she enters the...

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© Jane Gomm  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: stocky, adventure, imagination, london,
Form: Free verse
Willow In Time (Part 1)
A Effigy in crystal
in time
fixed the twinkle 
shining crysolite eye
gentleness shown
by slant of her mouth
Traveller’s stop
lingering long
whispering Softly
of Willows sad song

A balladeer 
old for his time
Sagacious voice
singing in rhyme
sits in shadow
her plight
serenading willow
A good...

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Categories: stocky, fantasy, imagination
Form: Free verse
Chokes of the Heart:
Why does he treat me like 
I have got no heart to feel his shining wrongs?
         You keep working, a Clive to your laptop like that old...

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Categories: stocky, anger, depression, heart, how i feel, hurt,
Form: Blitz
Repressed, sombre colours
weep a blurry sadness.
Melancholic, metallic hues
bite a frustrated, untouched lip -
silently surrendering
crimson, golden spheres of promise…
They dissolve, shrinking to watery flakes,
melting to a near oblivion.

Lyrics pin hopes on a pointless map,
touching tender triggers

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© Emma Wells  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: stocky, appreciation, beautiful, black love, dark, forgiveness, lost
Form: Blank verse
Revenge Part 2
With a very shrieking gasp, she drops to her knees.
“This cannot be true, no, please, please!”
“I'm afraid that it is, and there’s nothing we can do.
So I turned into this angle, to watch over you.”

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Categories: stocky, epicme,
Form: Rhyme
Dying To Live Again
I am lying on the bed with abscess in my 
and wrapped in white clouds of fear.
The nurse was flashing an animated smile
but I am sombre like I am on a trial.

I see her as...

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Categories: stocky, cancer
Form: Free verse
Cattle Egret of Africa, and Now America
Cattle Egrets have lifted my Spirits
Here in Ft. Beaufort, dirty, not dirt
BY choice, folk in small spaces
Hide from Civilization, national mandates
On Environmental Courtesies and Policies
But these birds survive and thrive
While feces flow from poor piping...

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© Anil Deo  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: stocky, abuse, africa, america, bird, discrimination, environment, political,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Haggis and Drinks Mi Luve (Mythology)
Let’s hve haggis and drinks mi luve
Find de bes ina de ole land 
Lay yu head on mi chest mi luve
Whilst wi dance musik wid de band

Dance wid de band in de Highlands
Backyard jig good...

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Categories: stocky, adventure, fantasy, funny, happiness, imagination, mystery, placesold,
Form: Ballad
There's a Rumor
There's a rumor going around. Mythical little
Stocky men called Dwarves are living in Gem
They're mining jewels of all kinds down below.
Heard tell they're exceptionally skilled in the art
Of Smith metal working steel which explains all

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Categories: stocky, adventure, education, fantasy, fun, history, imagination, magic,
Form: Villanelle
Premium Member How Do You Like Them Apples
Coming from Texas, I knew he’d be loud
And soon I discovered that two is a crowd
Is that the privy? he asked of my house
When he saw my dog he said you’ve got a mouse!

We heard...

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Categories: stocky, humorous,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Smokey and the Golden Retriever

Once when I was just a kid,
My mom thought 'twould be nice,
If I'd invite some friends to play,
And we could swing outside.

I had a swing set in the yard,
Where I would...

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© Judy Ball  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: stocky, animals, childhood, dedication, life, pets, dog, dog,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member The Christmas Moose
He was a tall, handsome, stocky, stately, well-known forest guy.
They called him Christmas Moose, and I often wondered why.

It was not near December, so it made no sense to me. 
I had not lived here...

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Categories: stocky, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Smokey and the Golden Retriever
Once when I was just a kid,
My mom thought 'twould be nice,
If I'd invite some friends to play,
And we could swing outside.

I had a swing set in the yard,
Where I would play for hours.
My daddy...

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© Judy Ball  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: stocky, childhood, pets,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member I Saw a Man Stark Naked
I saw a man stark naked there unexpectedly,
who in his masculine fashion, though not apprehensively,
went gliding (or was he striding?)
down the center of the hall.
He did not glimpse me at all
as my gut called out,...

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Categories: stocky, memory,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Smokey and the Golden Retriever
Once when I was just a kid my mom thought t'would be nice,
If I'd invite some friends to play and we could swing outside.
I had a swing set in the yard where I would play...

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© Judy Ball  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: stocky, cat, childhood,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member The Fools of God
In dreams I see them:
Men and women, in Renaissance attire,
Moving about in silence in some fabulous cathedral
Full of silent Coptics and other sombre monks,
Their faces, all but one of them,
Obscured to uniformity by cloth
Silent themselves,...

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Categories: stocky,
Form: Free verse
The Virgin
A surly old maid
had an urge to be laid
and bemoaned her virginal status
with life discontented
her plight she lamented:
"'tis not easy to live without coitus."

A scheme she invented
got polished and scented
tweaked her pointers to swing more...

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Categories: stocky, funny
Form: Rhyme
The Ghost In My House
The house was new on the inside and old on the out.
Busily we arranged and moved things about.
We worked all day until the night set in
We decided to wait till morning to again begin.
I decided...

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Categories: stocky, death, funny, day, house, day, house,
Form: Narrative

Book: Reflection on the Important Things