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The Shimmy

Curiosity mounts as the crowd gathers on the hill. Curiosity mounts as the banner stood still. The well that fed me from my youth has open from the mouth and the ships on the sea began to move in perfect harmony. Shrouded in secrecy it stands behind the veil, shrouded in secrecy I took a deep breath and slowly exhale. The rainbow is dancing in the sky and heat is bidding her goodbye, the rainbow has covered the sky and everyone gazed at it attentively. Scores of people gathered around to knight me in my evening gown. These beautiful colors spread out everywhere joining everyone together and the moment was ruptured in an unimaginable bliss. The helicopters are flying in the air sowing seeds of love everywhere, the children are filled with glee and the heat starts rising in the third degree. You could hear the sound of laughter everywhere, and it drew people together far and near. The moon had completed its cycle and I have found a great disciple. The rabbits are moving slowly in the hole while the parakeets are asking for more. Hundreds of them are flying around in the sky and the mermaid is stuck in the middle of the ocean looking for a new promotion but water broke loose and washes away the grime from the greasy street and the mermaid got what it wanted. I could tell from the minute I looked at the chart that the gamblers would break the code and match the winning tickets. The whispers were walking around the room looking at every pair of socks and matching them on the alligators back. I looked beyond the horizon and looked at the frozen ice and watch the birds sliding on them as they tried to open them with their long beaks. The markets chime in with the banging bells and the sounds and chatters coming from the east saturate the floor while the manipulating eagles ‘soar in the sky with their broad wings spreading across the globe and the canopy standing strong beneath them. I stood quietly behind veil in a crowded field with baskets all around me loading them with goods and doing what a good soldier should. They came in from the harbor with hundreds of drones placed on decks, they were ready to carry out the mission and maintain their current ambition. The rudder on the ship has just taken a small dip and the flight that was destined to land at midnight came ahead of schedule to deliver the news. They are coming in droves with shoes on their wings and fish crawling in their belly. Thousand of them lined up in the air with myriad of stories to share, and visions that were so dear. The short ones and the tall ones walked hand in hand, the slim ones and the stocky ones braved the land, they land on the front-page of the morning news holding each other’s hand and wearing a brand new pair of shoes and we dance the shimmy.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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