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Long Slowing Poems

Long Slowing Poems. Below are the most popular long Slowing by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Slowing poems by poem length and keyword.

Juvenilia: Early Poems X
Juvenilia: Early Poems X

These are early poems written in my teens and twenties.

by Michael R. Burch

a bitter
ache to bear...

once starlight
in your hair...

a shining there
as brief
as rare.

a pain
I chose to bear...

the torrent
of your hair...

and show me

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Categories: slowing, age, child, children, dream, teen, time, war,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member At the Footbridge - Limerick Collaboration
At the footbridge Sue was meeting her beau
(He was married to a woman called Flo)
Sue soon found out his deception
She dismembered his erection
For his love life it was a massive blow

To the hospital fled poor...

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Categories: slowing, betrayal, body, humorous,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Gaia Out Speaks
Queen Gaia
of Earth's Shabbat
is here to speak today.

she can only sign,
and the only way she can see
is through our DNA/RNA fractally-balancing syntax,
so she has asked if she could respond to your questions,
as she understands them

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Categories: slowing, earth, gender, god, health, humor, love, nature,
Form: Narrative
Love Poems V

These are love poems by Michael R. Burch, about life, the dream of love, virtue, a first kiss, a first crush, the birth of a first relationship, the joy of a first love...

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Categories: slowing, birth, confusion, crush, dream, joy, kiss, longing,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Memories In the Sand
If ever a moment in real life deserved a romantic, melancholy
backing track, it would have been that one ... we'd spent the
entire afternoon at Ferry Beach, sunning and playing frisbee, I
playing guitar, she practicing her...

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Categories: slowing, memory, missing you, passion, relationship, soulmate, time,
Form: Dramatic Monologue

Premium Member The Breakfast Program and Me
It was 1968 we'd gathered again in the school auditorium my tiny hands sweating only five years old while my name was called in all of this cold  
civil rights riots plagued my little...

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Categories: slowing, america, beautiful, black african american, chicago, memory,
Form: Free verse
Hurt People Hurt People
Flirt with Whitney
Flirt with fear 
Life is good
But I rather be anywhere but here
Body aches from pushing out tears
Driving on the road of life
Eyes is watery
So I can't steer 
And I'm getting dizzy 
Stomach very...

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Categories: slowing, deep, depression, feelings, longing, meaningful,
Form: Free verse
He just appeared to me, like wispily curling 
Chimney smoke, 
One grim and early morning in the very midst of 
Decembers briefest days, on the highest slope,
Toiling through my daily round; where, slowly 
Driving up...

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Categories: slowing, nature, universe,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Brace For Impact
We were off,                                ...

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Categories: slowing, car, kid, red, snow, vacation, weather, winter,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Premium Member Inside the Great Halls of Us
“Inside the Great Halls of Us”

The Great Halls of Us,
there resides a ghost 

IT hides in plain sight,
waiting quietly, alone, 
in our dark

there, IT holds ITs light,
to draw us further in,
we nervously laugh IT...

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Categories: slowing, i am, science fiction, symbolism,
Form: Narrative
My Hell
I fall down
deeper and deeper
into oblivion
only darkness.
the sounds of evil
dripping into my ears
slithering farther
and sliding down into me
filling me with echoes.
terror courses through
my veins
into each cell
turning them against
they are no longer mine
they follow another
a stronger...

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Categories: slowing, betrayal, death, evil, fear, horror, pain, suicide,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Therapeutic Work and Play
You mentioned you work with a therapist.  

Has she encouraged you to incorporate centering exercises
and holistic thinking and feeling experiences
healing interior and exterior nondualistic climate events
in your everyday thinking/feeling mutually non-violent practice?

Has she encouraged...

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Categories: slowing, caregiving, deep, earth, education, green, health, love,
Form: Political Verse
Bionic Betty: Another True Tale From the Mental Ward
Betty was bonafide crazy. She had shot her husband after a night of drunken quarreling, and was in the state mental hospital instead of being in the slammer. She'd shot the louse in the stomach...

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Categories: slowing, crazy, woman,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Landsbyen -Into the North- An Epic Poem 63
Then from Dyndoeth came another question,  
     “Now that we know the animals are capable of moving through the sky, what about the sleigh.”
     “Have you...

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Categories: slowing, christmas, fairy,
Form: Epic
Premium Member Chapter 17-- Molly and Dolly and Polly: Damian
First week  of March  2025
Last  week of March
Melancholy Molly and her sister 
Dolly stopped by  for a chat with 
Eat  some pizza Polly 
(nick name due to her Appetite for...

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Categories: slowing, character, confidence, growth, house, identity, imagery, romance,
Form: Prose
The day was fine and sunlit,
Decorated by several clouds 
drifting aimlessly in the radiant ocean-blue sky.
Chorused by gentle puffs of the morning breeze,
Sending leaves on the streets twirling like
ballerinas in a dazzling and mesmerising dance.

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© Jamie Pan  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: slowing, courage, fear, metaphor, natural disasters, school, ,
Form: Imagism
Storm Concrete
The day was fine and sunlit, Decorated by several clouds drifting 
     aimlessly in the radiant ocean-blue sky. Chorused by gentle 

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© Jamie Pan  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: slowing, school, storm,
Form: Concrete
Reaching Out To You
I feel like my life is a clean slate
When I’m reaching out to you
I feel you lingering in my thoughts...
You stitched up my insecure frame of mind 
And stitched up the little pieces of memory...

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Categories: slowing, confusion, courage, fear, freedom, giving, journey, love,
Form: Rhyme
Intertwined in everything and nothing. Apart forever and never apart. Always reaching, never meeting. Intertwined in nothing and everything. 

I twist and turn rising higher. 
I’m forced into destruction and anger. 
I want to dance...

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© Ella Novie  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: slowing, 10th grade, day, earth, nature,
Form: Blank verse
Transmigration of the Wind
The strong gust of wind was cut off from its source; a frigid early spring blast that swept across a lofty mountain range, high above British Columbia.

It then encircled one of the lesser peaks and...

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Categories: slowing, imagery, journey, nature, sky, spring, water, wind,
Form: Prose
Premium Member The Girl of Light and the Fly People
a collaborative work with Alfred Vassalo

The Stars sparkled in her eyes
As light interlaced with her shadow
Causing her to question her senses
Even though she closed her eyes
light continued to seep out

Her brilliance, competed with the sun...

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Categories: slowing, beautiful, depression, desire, dream, fantasy, fire, loneliness,
Form: Epic
Ah Tis Nothing Greater Than
Ah... tis nothing greater than...

malfunctioning heater 
on that brisk winter day
recorded here as proof positive
regarding following reasonable rhyme.

While scrolling thru 
poems crafted yesteryear,
I chanced to jog my memory where
occurred power outage necessitated 
more than divine...

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Categories: slowing, 12th grade, angst, dark, environment, faith, humorous,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Exit Strategy
To prepare for final cosmic breath

echoing first breath
waiting to exhale

silent sacred pause 
for Earth's final soliloquy 

Terminating all humane
and inhumane futures,
and disturbing relationships,
elegantly excruciating ecstasy

Leaving hell
without receiving Heaven

Surrendering commitments
to health
and lack thereof

Future obligations
and past assets


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Categories: slowing, age, appreciation, death, grief, health, integrity, loss,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
A Delirious Drag
Your scars from the past will soon heal…
There are more and more blessings to reveal
Wondering where have you been hiding
In the shadows in which you were abiding?

I apologize for being a delirious drag…
Now, I’m speechless...

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Categories: slowing, courage, deep, feelings, hope,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member In simple words
Emerging from a fulcrum deep within,
arises a humming, magnetic pull,
which in each moment does afresh begin,
drenching us with bliss, making heart feel full.
Rapture ignition, thus in renewal,
becomes the new norm, just like our heartbeat,
love’s elixir...

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Categories: slowing, spiritual,
Form: Crown of Sonnets

Book: Reflection on the Important Things