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Long Ratio Poems

Long Ratio Poems. Below are the most popular long Ratio by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Ratio poems by poem length and keyword.

Premium Member Fishy Science School of Geometric Arts
Math speaks through us
within us
of cognitive landscapes
imagined still and/or moving.

Primal metrics are rational and symmetrical,
good as true as straightforward,
complex creation story problems
unfolding with precise answers,
right as at least not not ecologically wrong,
ecopolitically suboptimal perhaps,
yet at...

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Categories: ratio, adventure, earth, life, light, math, science fiction,
Form: Political Verse

Premium Member Summer Reforesting School
what did you most appreciate
learning at school this summer?

Probably in Community ReForesting.
You know, the EcoTherapy Class
I took
instead of eating lunch,
using "lunch" loosely
as synonymous with edible,
or at least tangentially related to edibility.

Oh yes, that one.
What stands...

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Categories: ratio, culture, education, health, history, humor, integrity, psychological,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member A Poem For My Algebra Teacher
I know I promised
 no more ‘Make you Cry Poems’
I said I'd never write another 
‘Wipe your eye poem’

 And for three years 
I tried not to retract, 
but after so many tears 
I have...

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Categories: ratio, 6th grade, abuse, betrayal, children, confusion, family,
Form: Free verse
Quest of the Heart: Chapter One
Of Ghosts and Fiends in Twilight

The sun sank low on the darkening horizon
Grey mist hung adrift over the land thickening
A cold, brisk autumn wind held and embraced me 
With my horse’s pace and that of...

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Categories: ratio, adventure, for her, journey, lost love, love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Dream Sanctuaries
I dream into my Ta(0)ist
not-Universal Yang equals
not-Unitarian Yin
expecting to be greeted
by visions
of familiar spiritual apartheid.

But I am not.
communion in this Sanctuary
looks and resounds,
feels and resonates
with multicultural communities outside,
tilting GoldenRule windmills,
bowing toward Eastern nondual rainbows,
surfing NewMoon...

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Categories: ratio, dream, earth, happiness, health, longing, love, religion,
Form: Political Verse

Premium Member Cooperative Digestion of Earth's Ecopolitical Climate
Perhaps you have read
as I have not
Beard's "Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the United States."

Yet, here is my prediction,
and I promise to actually read it to confirm and/or deny,
so I suppose I more candidly...

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Categories: ratio, culture, happiness, health, humor, identity, political,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Secularexperience V Sacredtheory
Experience v Theory,
like Both/And inducted feelings v. Either/Or deductions,
like Internal Information v External ReConstructions,
like Memory v ReImaging,
like Cause/Effect v DNA of causal-effective nest 
of resilient Golden WinWin Theory

Western nature v spirit theories v Eastern nondual...

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Categories: ratio, caregiving, education, environment, green, health, philosophy, wisdom,
Form: Political Verse
After drenching biblical rainfall
After drenching biblical rainfall...
verdant green acres covered the planet of the apes
like a petticoat junction
donning barrel of skinny dipping monkeys.

Once drought stricken vast landscape
far as the eye could see
suddenly flush with promise
of budding new shoots

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Categories: ratio, adventure, africa, august, earth, environment, history, humorous,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Logic of Time's Ununfolding
I imagine the ecological sciences
as interior formal, and not so formal, systemic voices,
speaking of biological sciences
as exterior systemic function,
biology evolves what ecology resolves,

Ecology refines healthy regenerative biological reasons
for cooperative ecotherapeutic intent,
political practice,
and  economic development

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Categories: ratio, community, culture, earth, nature, science, time,
Form: Prose Poetry
Ooniversal Oo
OOOniversal oo

Frightened tepid antisocial ant was football training avidly but failing to attend a fragrant tailor army. Oh dear. That was sure to be put forward to the sacred sanction ship and the sacred sanction...

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Categories: ratio, absence, adventure, angst, anti bullying, anxiety, appreciation,
Form: I do not know?
Premium Member Pronoia Dialogues
What about you?
Is there anything you've been working on
for many centuries?

Well, as a son of Father Sun,
I have been moving toward family and tribal justice
within a global climate of peace
as politically integrative  internal empowerment

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Categories: ratio, creation, god, health, political, psychological, time,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Defining Trumpism
Let's talk today about Trumpism.

If this is a new word,
how is it different and the same as

Who is a Trumpian
more than a Republican?
Or do these two labels
show the same angry face
about a Crippled America
to you?


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Categories: ratio, earth, education, health, integrity, peace, psychological, usa,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Once Within a Moment
Once within eternal Time
a coffee ground
of full-spectral 
spacious consciousness,
Might sink in cold water cups

Yet rise to surface in warm oil sublime
joyously buoyant juice

Happiest to float atop
a hierarchy of divinely positioned selection
static inquisition

Yet again, 
to an...

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Categories: ratio, analogy, earth day, health, integrity, power,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Legend of Prince Polyculture
There once was a boy named Prince Polyculture,
which he knew he was not,
and maybe even not-not,
which would be not a prince,

This was confusing and caused Prince Polyculture to suffer bouts of stress and anxiety and...

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Categories: ratio, earth, humor, identity,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member On Vanilla Missionary Positions
When you folks are producing
your vanilla missionary practice,
who plays your Yang strong predator perception
and who prefers Yin reflexible reception?

Do you politically
and/or economically
flip his/her ecofeminist flop?

I'm sorry
but I do not speak of physical flops
mental drops
mindbody cross-fertilizing...

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Categories: ratio, health, humor, integrity, passion, peace, power, religion,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Research and Design
PermaCultural InFormation/ExFormation Research and Design

Zero SpaceYang gratefully greets YinBiLateral Time,
after several science and math collateral cooperations,
over and through and beyond metaphysical and special case physical centuries,
appear to favor cooperative dipolar appositional health
over ecopolitically competitive bipolar...

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Categories: ratio, caregiving, happiness, health, humor, integrity, love, wisdom,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Analogous Definitions
Defining Analogies

Natural/Spiritual Religion:
Our cooperative ZeroSoul-owned green sanctuary system
for extensively restoring interdependent outcomes
to and for healthy ego co-invested lives
transubstantiating Earth's wealthiest ecocentric WinWin Peace.

Why do you qualify Religion with "natural/spiritual"?  
Is there some other kind...

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Categories: ratio, caregiving, culture, health, integrity, peace, relationship, religion,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Golden Outcome Rules
Do not treat other species badly
as they would not
treat you
LoseLose badly.

love requires
we intend 
no aggressive monoculturing-supremacist harm.

Follow and lead
our own WinWin EarthTribe Golden Rule
and not sadly away from, 
health-wealth BothAnd optimization.

Ignore small and short-term aggression,

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Categories: ratio, earth, education, health, humor, integrity, peace, spiritual,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Two Flaws Make Us Bright
A Fundamentalist Flaw assumes too great a divide
between Left and Right hemispheric cultures.

Left's deduction gestalt is all about separating human nature
(Ego's experiential nature)
from Earth's sacred nature of transcendent truth/beauty,
which is much more of a Right...

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Categories: ratio, god, happiness, health, mental illness, nature, philosophy,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Healthy Democratic Powers
I was a Taoist
philosophically and spiritually
metaphysically and physically
long before my Public Administration classes.

Which may be poignantly of interest
because the original Taoist teacher,
taught sensory experiences
of Yang-testosterone energy
and Yin-estrogen synergy
for a bicameral governing audience
with questions about how...

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Categories: ratio, earth, education, environment, health, integrity, psychological, spiritual,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Coming Courageously Home
I'm returning home
from a bag it yourself grocery,
and listening to an African-American novelist
respond to questions,
actual open-ended real NPR questions,
like old school inquisitive journalists once asked
before the polarizing days and nights
of fake right/wrong answer questions
and their...

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Categories: ratio, conflict, courage, health, hero, integrity, peace, racism,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Not Just Praying For Us
Investing With Us

When I strike my Yang strong poses
and then my Yin flowing folding in bows
toward you,
I am neither praying
nor am I not.

I am not preying
on less polycultural ideals,
nor am I not monoculturally
further victimizing myself.


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Categories: ratio, anti bullying, caregiving, culture, education, games, health,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Wedlock Has A Key: Divorce
@}-}--}[]     [7] [:] [11]     @}-}--}[]      [7] [:] [11]     @}-}--}[]

Against   C=(==>


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© Hilo Poet  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: ratio, character, divorce, feelings, future, love hurts, marriage,
Form: ABC
Premium Member I Have Heard
I have heard it said,
Love your neighbor as yourself.

I listen with you
to how our neighbors become part of us
and not,
and how this feels healthy
and not
for you
and my potentially co-empathic neighbors.

I have heard it said,
Better dead...

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Categories: ratio, courage, culture, hate, health, humor, integrity,
Form: Political Verse
Common Denominator

Global warming is on the rise;
hear the hateful voices,
see the angry eyes
Earth temperature is flaring to the moon,
	nuclear hate
gon bring an apocalyptic kaboom
Hostile tweet emotions
		press send to our doom
Then sorrowful hearts
	will be melting soon
Unless we...

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Categories: ratio, conflict, dark, hate, word play,
Form: Epic

Book: Reflection on the Important Things