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I Have Heard

I have heard it said, Love your neighbor as yourself. I listen with you to how our neighbors become part of us and not, and how this feels healthy and not for you and my potentially co-empathic neighbors. I have heard it said, Better dead than red. I hear this fear. But, for me, better red balances with blue-green Earth to regenerate ultra-nonviolent violet regenerations of perennial healthy seasons under kind and gentle moon light. I've heard it said, Be careful of which inside voices I choose to listen to. And, I've heard it said, Regardless of peaceful aggressive violent assertive appreciative attractive connected mixed up feelings, be quick to notice label commodify stereotype then move on back into detached zero-zone quietude, silence iron-willed walled internal peace = probably not red-hate active rage, however short-lived upon opening new 2020 eyes. You say to me, Notice with active appreciation our flow of right-brain potential treasure, Golden Rule and Ratio shadows in 4-dimensional prime-attachment RealTime and sinister dualdark ego-less disembodied soul shadows teaching helpless lose/lose tragedy trajectories of insufficient time to win/win heal, To reweave internal/external climate health bicamerally back and forth in timelessly re-connecting EarthHealth right-hemisphere sweet spot climaxing here/now co-relational ego/eco-therapeutic spacetime While RealTime experience rediscovers left/right harmonic co-presence, polypathic/polyphonic, eco/theo-logical, historically mused herstory, logos sung mythologically, where all our polynomial positive OneTegrities equal all sacred Earth's zero not-not soul sums, as YangForm notices, with appreciation, climax ego/eco-empowering co-relational co-passionate co-present co-invested not not YinFlow = YangForm Of healthy multicultural communication cooperatives overpowering competitives, ecofeminist progressives inviting egopatriarchal green reborn conservationists for and of EarthJustice liberally regenerative DNA connections and spacetime interwoven re-connections Noticed appreciated absorbed climaxed creolized transubstantiated wondered awed, before and after moving on to the next uniting inviting universe of felt thought curiously and courageously flowing further integral holonic left/right consciousness of health as wealth metaphors secular as also sacred potential ecology/theology synergetic integrity of values/disvalues healthy trust and unhealthy mistrust, yin with dark yang-autonomous dominant historic memories for deep loving EarthJustice education. I've heard all this said repeatedly but not all jumbled together in quite this disturbing way.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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