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Long Hibernation Poems

Long Hibernation Poems. Below are the most popular long Hibernation by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Hibernation poems by poem length and keyword.

Premium Member Father Time's Interview
We don't have a lot of time,
or, well, I guess you do,
but I don't,
so let's plunge right into the first big question:
Which came first, form or function?

False dichotomy. No such thing as a totally dysfunctional...

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Categories: hibernation, allegory, earth, environment, nature, philosophy, universe,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member - Au Revoir - Goodbye -
- 2016 -


A freezing cold evening

Where the stars shining bright

With frost blade flanks

From mouth and nose steam

In the clear silence

White untrodden snows

Nature's frozen pulse

Sleep like a little baby

One gracious moon

After the night the...

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Categories: hibernation, remember,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Enlightening Systems
"Overcoming misleading [economic and political] metaphors
that are physically [naturally, ecosystemically, phylogenically] in [and of] 
your [ecological-organic embodied] brain
is never easy."
            George Lakoff, The Political...

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Categories: hibernation, blessing, humor, math, mentor, metaphor, religion, science,
Form: Political Verse
Saturday, September 23, 2023
Saturday, September 23, 2023  

Coincides with first day of fall
and Autumnal equinox for said year,
where colorful splash kindled like tinder.

After I riff flecked about thee August
Autumn Equinox 2023,
this seasonal polymath teached you 
fall Equinox...

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Categories: hibernation, animal, appreciation, autumn, celebration, cool, environment, heaven,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member By the Sea
As she saw it.

The mountains and the meadows were always so beautiful this time of year.  It seemed as if a fresh new world always came to life. The high cliffs turned sharply downward....

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Categories: hibernation, beautiful, body, desire, grandmother, imagination, me, mother,
Form: Verse

Premium Member The Lorax Sequel
I took the only seed of hope
for any future healthy Truffula Trees,
but reminded my clinically depressed acquaintance
we are all born co-redeemers,
not addictively incubating extractors.

Ours is not to commodify 
what we could not recreate
for its sufficient...

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Categories: hibernation, earth, environment, integrity, love,
Form: Narrative
Groundhog day 2024 or Forty one days since 2023 Winter Solstice
Groundhog day 2024 or Forty one days since 2023 Winter Solstice

Rather than be a day late
and dollar short, I opted   
to post poem acknowledging
the second of February,
where eponymous groundhog
gets his (most often male)

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Categories: hibernation, adventure, america, animal, celebration, confidence, february, spring,
Form: Rhyme
Font Din Black
Font Din Black

so u real??? 
Warning! The following choppy, batty, 
dopey: elegy = flaky, goofy, history: iffy, 
jumpy, kooky: loopy, matty, nappy, nippy, 
sketchy material prone to find the reader 
dazed and bewildered, yet comfortably...

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Categories: hibernation, 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, addiction,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Earthtribal Council
Earth's diverse Trees of Tribes
mentor ecotherapy with me,
echoing sighing resonant waves of wisdom
surfing through lunar waxing-waning freedoms
of humanly divine burning nuclear bushes.

Show me,
unveil We,
boundary wu-wei issues
weaving functions with frequencies,
tipping wild-flowering forms with full-color fluencies,
soaring summer's...

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Categories: hibernation, blessing, creation, culture, language, nature, wisdom, words,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Tardigrades Aka Water Bears Or Moss Piglets
Tardigrades aka Water Bears, Moss Piglets

Before T-Rex appeared and the Dodo bird disappeared,
Leading to modern-day scientific knowledge increasement,
Creatures of infinitesimal size called ‘Tardigrades’ endure,
Were and are living and thriving, just about anywhere on earth.

From mountain...

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Categories: hibernation, animal, education, nature,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Wiseelder Turkeys
My parenting totem
was the Hawk
of bicamerally perfect egocentric vision
usually greeted by a loud Yang squawk
and vigorous walk
in the other wrong direction.

My WiseElder totem
is the Turkey,
CoMessiah of CoRedemptive Dying
as notnot loving EarthTribe's future lives.

At eight,
my totem...

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Categories: hibernation, age, earth, health, humor, mythology, native american,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Complexities of Consciousness
Herein, the evolutionary positive psychologist's voice is that of C,
leaning sometimes toward the yang-ego identity side,
while the evolutionary ecopolitician's voice,
doing his best to play WinWin ecotherapist, is D.

C: The best way to live is by...

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Categories: hibernation, culture, earth, health, political, psychological,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Light Systems
It was Economic Earth
Gaia who taught WinWin me
Yin-diminished Taoism.

It was ego/eco-centric Permaculture Designers
WinWin DNA-with-RNA CoGoverning HealthCare Workers,
and not so much
Competitive FIGHT-MAKES-RIGHT retributional politics.

Instead, restoration
resiliently healthy love
WinWin GoodNews theology
deep listening with inside Sacred Ecology
of YangGod with...

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Categories: hibernation, caregiving, environment, gospel, health, integrity, power, religion,
Form: Political Verse
Creative Cerebral Craftiness Coaxes
Creative cerebral craftiness coaxes...

Childhood campy chimera curtain call
subsequently hinting (based on accuweather)
the approach of blizzard squall
so burrow under quilted cover y'all
until warm temperatures arrive when springtime
ushers social media platforms 
buzzfeeding earthlinked instant karma 
jump/kickstarting linkedin...

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Categories: hibernation, 12th grade, adventure, age, baptism, business, creation,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member I Am Not His Property
I wake up with a great startle.

My Obama EarthTribe CoOperative WinWin GlobalVillage Dream
was merely my hibernation.
I dreamed we share richly valued properties from healthy-wealthy African Elders,
but awake, once again,
only to painfully remember
I am now merely...

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Categories: hibernation, body, culture, dream, earth, love, psychological, slavery,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Her Never Ending Creation Story

We all have heard The Greatest Creation Story Ever Told,
and it is
as title so boldly baldy states.

Yet, within and without,
before yet also after,
this History of Earth's CoRedemption
deepy lies
highest and healthiest Her EarthStory
born of Sun,


RNA's ReGeneration...

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Categories: hibernation, beauty, culture, dance, health, humor, muse, music,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member A L I V E

A raw dark, persuaded by rusty leaves
	who break through the hushed prayers,
		vibrant hopes and dreams,
			stirring light that lives beneath the heavens,
	confiding joy, revealing wonders, confessing
		swaying branches, havens
			for hurried squirrels and clever wrens,
cardinals in scarlet cloaks,...

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Categories: hibernation, appreciation, autumn, heaven, jesus, joy, seasons, winter,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Seat of Kings
A stone round standing fortress crowns forever beauty
The name translated to english Grianan means sunny spot or sun temple
The land bows down inspirational the view 
seat of the high kings dating back to 1700 B.C

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Categories: hibernation, beautiful, green, inspirational, ireland,
Form: Free verse
Our Mother a Literary Translation of Humayun Azad
We knew more about our mother. While, father was a revered persona , a bit distant.
Our mother was always an undertone in front of father, an unrecognized delicate privacy, worn out
Her lingering incomplete silences used...

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Categories: hibernation, mother,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Breathing While Thinking
Yang unveils landscapes of textured thought
while Yin brings climates of swelling and ebbing feelings.

yin affective unconscious
with yang deductive conscious labels and language of natural,
and sometimes oddly unnatural, uncomfortable, relationships,
humane consciousness
searching for divine polypathic continuous timeless...

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Categories: hibernation, caregiving, corruption, growing up, health,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member I preach to others to write and sing
I preach to others to write and sing,
to soothe the pain that rises like fog over a mountain,
I lend them my ears,
baptizing my tattered sheet of paper in their crystal tears,
their poetry and music whisper...

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© Dan Enache  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: hibernation, fantasy,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Ecology of Happytime
Ecology of Time
explores resonant rings of sustained health vitality,
a red strong-willed loving heart
pumping Earth’s nutritional wealth
through our circulating and dynamic biosystems,
beautiful minds
with graceful dancing bodies
on pilgrimage through revolving memories
of time’s embryonic ecological balance,
and climatic dissonance,

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Categories: hibernation, culture, earth, earth day, language, music, science,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Nutritious As a Tree
I know I will never see
or hear or taste or smell or feel
anything more nutritious than a WinWin Gaming Tree,
unfolding across all four seasons 
of healthy wealth regenerations.

Imagine incubating seeded subjects
in an interdependent networked sentence

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Categories: hibernation, body, culture, earth, health, psychological, science, tree,
Form: Political Verse
Circle In The Sand continues

              For in the depths of time's forgotten embrace,
A world, once lush, now shattered, displaced.
Anteeing up as joker, distant and vague,
I tread...

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Categories: hibernation, allegory, angel,
Form: Rhyme
Nope Not Even a Brief History
Nope Not Even A Brief History...
About Month Named December

The Latin root (albeit - lo'
(mein lee) first two syllables
i. e. decem) - no
joking - translate to mean ten,
where millenniums ago
this delineation quite apropos,

cuz (wade back in...

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Categories: hibernation, creation, fate, january, meaningful, moving on, new
Form: Free verse

Book: Shattered Sighs