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Ecology of Happytime

Ecology of Time explores resonant rings of sustained health vitality, a red strong-willed loving heart pumping Earth’s nutritional wealth through our circulating and dynamic biosystems, beautiful minds with graceful dancing bodies on pilgrimage through revolving memories of Earth’s embryonic ecological balance, and climatic dissonance RNA/DNA-fueled humane natured neurosystems entrusting Egos together recover whatever love’s ecology may bring recalling incarnate health-life revolving cooperative evolutions of Ego’s daytime ecosystemic sacred nighttime. Scientific discovery, winnowing seeds of healthiest beauty exploring richly nutritious veins of truth, political commitment to cooperative co-investments, and sometimes rather too competitive research into Earth's primal orbit of healthy just-right light, warmly co-gravitating evolution’s becoming EarthTribe’s RNA/DNA spiraling EcoLogic of (0)-Centered ReGenerative Time for more health assurance research and design, empirical ecological methods of interdependent deep learning networks, conscience rediscovery. Human eco-norms of DNA encultured time, nature’s primal rainbow of waving undulating spinning revolving recycling repurposing regenerating octave frequencies, richly pregnant patterns, rotating fractal-folding-unfolding liturgical holonic rhythms, light’s brightly warm transparent through vulnerably cold ecology of deductive/inductive nature’s revolving/devolving seasons of 4-prime quadrants. Ecology speaks to balancing biosystems as poly-tical-eco-norm gospel beauty muses sing ever deeply into Time’s ReGenesis, EcoLogos as Amen with Namaste. Beauty and potentially nutritious beauty create healthiest truth you might imagine within each day’s relationships, those surrounding you already, family tiers leading out toward nested clouds of friends, acquaintances as co-operators, both political and economic, nearby birds and ant hills, trees and flowers and tomatoes, rivers of water, organic gardens of Earth, windscent of temperate air, climate photosynthesis fueling revolutionary fire, embryonic cold dark winters of discontented hibernation, wet and sun drenched springs of cooperative co-arising days and nights, summers of diastatic climaxing Earth as EcoEgoMaturation, autumnal decomposition toward (0) dualdark Absent Night, ReGenesis of Earth’s sacred-integral Time, all friendly voices of healthy logos resonance surrounded by toxic pathos dissonance, long-term suboptimizing EcoLogos fulfillment, Ego’s potentiating HealthTime. Tao’s (0)-soul EcoLogos of BiLaterally Balanced PolyCultural Time, writing primers for co-arising dancing languages speaking bountiful truths of EarthTribe Love as what remains after removing dualdark Ego’s attachments to echoing angry memories and aversions to futurefears of death without bilaterally sufficient reincarnate Ego/EcoLogos EarthTribe YangDay and Yintegral nighttime.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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Date: 4/8/2016 10:02:00 AM
Congrat.Very intelligent poem of human need not to repeat the same mistakes as even the progress seems to bear great troubles. Happy Times and Hard Times are crossing in the place of our choice.
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Dillenbeck Avatar
Gerald Dillenbeck
Date: 4/8/2016 10:19:00 AM
Thank you for your comment. Yes the paradox of suffering as teaching how and where to find our midway bliss, endemic to both the science of ecology and the nondual philosophy of Taoism.

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