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Long Growth Poems

Long Growth Poems. Below are the most popular long Growth by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Growth poems by poem length and keyword.

Cymbric Vale
I believed that I was rural … that I lived in country style,
where the city was close handy … that big distance was a mile.
Trains and buses ferried daily; a freeway ran close by …

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Categories: growth, holiday,
Form: Rhyme

Where Is Your Mind
Where Is Your Mind?

Where is your mind?
Is it way out there in the clouds of smoking cigarettes and cigars?
Is it way out there in the clouds of smoking marijuana?
Where is your mind?
Is it way out...

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Categories: adventure, allegory, analogy, desire, growth, passion, perspective,
Form: Lyric
Trump In Motion






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Categories: growth, anxiety, art, autumn,
Form: Free verse
A Day Under the Sun
Blue Hunter's Moon of the Festival of Lights.
And the day of Vengeance of our Holy One to comfort all those who mourn.

Isaiah 61:3-11
I Proclaim the acceptable Generation or Year and Day of Yehoshua also known...

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Categories: blue, earth day, faith, growth, moon, rainbow,
Form: Prose
Letters For People Part 4
Dear people, 
    (Am i?) Mad it’s a conformist state?
A status that perpetuates people to pair, to compare, to prepare, 
to perfect, before performance, …?
    -sure hard to try...

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© Matt Godek  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: growth, america, angst, business, confusion, feelings, poverty,
Form: Epic

Premium Member Restoration Towns
I was skeptically listening 
to a retiring social researcher,
and problem-solving imaginer,
from the American Enterprise Institute;

An Institute
I usually find more destitute
of bicameral consciousness than not,
and thereby with less healthy resonant imagination
than more pathological dissonance.

But, I found...

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Categories: growth, community, culture, earth, health, integrity, love, peace,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Earthy Empathy
You've heard that self-unfulfilling prophecy?
"I love humanity--
it's just people I can't stand."

I love healthy humanity--
it's just uppity and/or snooty people I can't stand

I love cooperative humanity--
it's just overly-competitive individuals I can't stand.

Not so distant from,

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Categories: growth, caregiving, gospel, health, humor, integrity, peace, political,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Let Us Speak Clearly
Let me speak clearly with you
dear religious and atheist Trumpians,

A fool in executive office
is a leader
only in foolish directions.

A rich thief
is the worst thief
as survival motives
are absent,
so self-thrival motives
remain piratically rampant.

An intellectual prostitute
to feel-good AmericaFirst...

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Categories: growth, caregiving, culture, education, health, integrity, love, peace,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Gaia Out Speaks
Queen Gaia
of Earth's Shabbat
is here to speak today.

she can only sign,
and the only way she can see
is through our DNA/RNA fractally-balancing syntax,
so she has asked if she could respond to your questions
as she understands them

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Categories: growth, earth, gender, god, health, humor, love, nature,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member The Thc Ordinance
I am fairly new to this Norwick community.
If I recall correctly
we have about forty thousand households here
where the Connecticut River
conjoins the Mohegan and Iroquois Rivers;
originally deep rich virgin eco-forest 
of and for harmonic rhythm and...

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Categories: community, earth, family, growth, health, humor, integrity,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Bipartisan Dissonance
When oppositional cognitive dissonance 
deflects focus from compassion,
I've learned to go back to when I deflected focus from her.
She sends me passive-aggressive messages,
bread crumbs leading back in time 
to where she began to feel alone,


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Categories: growth, conflict, math, parents, political, race, religion, sin,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member 2020 Revolution
Numbers, numerals,
like words,
combinations of letters,
mean something,
sometimes more secular,
sometimes more sacred ecological.

Numerals and letters share sacred iconic human-intelligence root systems
within a bicameral ecology of mind-body nonduality,
both RightBrain matriarchal empowering flow of integrity (Czikszentmihalyi)
and LeftBrain patriarchal Yang...

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Categories: growth, beauty, culture, earth, health, math, trust, truth,
Form: Political Verse
I Promise
To my dearest,
On this day you turn thirteen, officially a teenager! This meaning you are on the very first stage of discovering yourself, your music tastes, your food preferences, your style of clothing and even...

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Categories: beautiful, growth,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Professor Glory's Active Hope
The title of this talk today,
"Win-Win Politics of New Feminist Economics"
suggests questions,
more than emasculating 
definitively deductive

Would you imagine
a minority-identified Buddhist,
more likely as a feminist?
or culturally comfortable
with political and economic Left-brain domination,
monotheistic competing for all-consuming
ritualistic servicing?


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Categories: growth, creation, culture, deep, environment, feelings, love, political,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Sweetspots
Could you tell me, please,
how to become polypathically smarter,
economically deep learned and wisely adept 
co-arising ecologically systemic theories
to grow more co-empathic trust 
of and for cooperatively organizing positive 
nutritional slow-growth,
optimally sustainable Continuous Quality Health Improvement?


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Categories: beauty, earth, growth, happiness, humanity, humor, wisdom,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Games We Play
Yang, dear.

Yes, my lovely Yin.

Why do you map Game Theory
onto EcoFeminist Political Theory?
It comes across as either just confusing
or, even worse,
vaguely sexist.

How sexist?

Well you seem to associate competitive ZeroSum WinLose
with strong aggressive patriarchal effectiveness
for defending...

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Categories: growth, birth, games, gender, health, history, humor,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member CommonSense Political WorkParty
EcoMinisters of Earth Rights

EcoLogicians of resilient encircling might

EcoLegislators of bicameral balancing disposition

What is our highest and best CommonSense
of currently elected policy-choosers?
Where are our optimal health outcomes 
of proactive CommonSense?
What does vast emptiness of positive results

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Categories: growth, addiction, community, creation, culture, health, political, wisdom,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Social Nondarwinists
We need to talk.

Is this one of those times
where you need to talk
and I must pretend to listen
while you rant?

Well, yes,
if you could extend this favor.

Your topic?

Social Darwinism.

Isn't that the birthplace of unfettered Capitalism
and Fascism

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Categories: growth, environment, gospel, health, humor, psychological, social,
Form: Political Verse
Winter Awakens My Care
Winter Awakens My Care
anonymous Middle English poem, circa 1300
loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

Winter awakens all my care
as leafless trees grow bare.
For now my sighs are fraught
whenever it enters my thought:
regarding this world's joy,
how everything...

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Categories: growth, angst, england, joy, sorrow, tree, weather, winter,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Summer Reforesting School
what did you most appreciate
learning at school this summer?

Probably in Community ReForesting.
You know, the EcoTherapy Class
I took
instead of eating lunch,
using "lunch" loosely
as synonymous with edible,
or at least tangentially related to edibility.

Oh yes, that one.
What stands...

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Categories: growth, culture, education, health, history, humor, integrity, psychological,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Ecotherapeutic Justice
When passion plants a multicultural seed,
then justice flourishes a polypathic trusting flower.

Permaculture and polyculture, 
grow holistic cause-effect karmic significance 
for our physical, and mental, political and spiritual health.

Permacultural, as I intend it this morning,
refers to...

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Categories: growth, blessing, culture, earth, nature, philosophy, political, religion,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Cooperative Feministas
Cooperative Feministas
are not quite so much Competitive Manifestos.

In David Holmgren's introduction to Permacultural Therapeutic Design,
he contrasts "Industrial Culture" with "Sustainable Culture"
kind of like comparing masculine LeftBrain culture
with feminist RightBrain enculturation, nurturance, resonance
over the longer-term scenaria,

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Categories: growth, anti bullying, caregiving, destiny, health, humanity, humor,
Form: Political Verse
Self Destructive Wickedness Arrested, Convicted, and Gaoled
Self destructive wickedness arrested, convicted, and gaoled...

with kidnapping little boy 
ordered to suffer
life sentence without parole.

The deadly scourge of  
one obsessive/compulsive disorder
nearly left me starving to death.

Anorexia nervosa absent bulimia 
nadir of onset 

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Categories: growth, 2nd grade, 6th grade, 7th grade, absence,
Form: Free verse
My Best is at Rest
My Best is at Rest.
This is a tribute to my Lifelong Best Friend Katrina.

My Best friend/Sister has passed on from this life.
She lived a life of love. To know her was to automatically love her....

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Categories: growth, best friend, cancer, god, i love you,
Form: Narrative
Childhood Dreams Part 2
The three little pigs came to the ball
Tried to blow the castle down
It didn’t work
It was made of solid gold
So they gave up and sat at their trough 
Ate noisily 
And snorted quite a lot


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Categories: growth, childhood, cinderella, dream, mum,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry