Greeting Card Maker | Poem Art Generator

Free online greeting card maker or poetry art generator. Create free custom printable greeting cards or art from photos and text online. Use PoetrySoup's free online software to make greeting cards from poems, quotes, or your own words. Generate memes, cards, or poetry art for any occasion; weddings, anniversaries, holidays, etc (See examples here). Make a card to show your loved one how special they are to you. Once you make a card, you can email it, download it, or share it with others on your favorite social network site like Facebook. Also, you can create shareable and downloadable cards from poetry on PoetrySoup. Use our poetry search engine to find the perfect poem, and then click the camera icon to create the card or art.

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Bipartisan Dissonance
When oppositional cognitive dissonance deflects focus from compassion, I've learned to go back to when I deflected focus from her. She sends me passive-aggressive messages, bread crumbs leading back in time to where she began to feel alone, marginalized, siloed, anxious, neglected. If you don't want a sopping wet tile bathroom floor because I have thrown all my naked Barbie and Ken parts, especially their water-filled hollow insides, and the five saturated pools of stained white washcloths I took out of that drawer just like you said not to, and the sudsy soft bar of soap, then you might want to reconsider leaving the bathroom during my princess bath. You might want to think of telling a smelling story or imagining with my behavioral lectures I so mercilessly inflict on the shattered heads of my daughter dolls. Perhaps oppositional cognitive dissonance is what conservative bodies have against liberal minds, and vice versa. If you abled and empowered adults? would be so kind as to return to cooperative civic and civil discussion, about my intrinsic dignity, royalty perhaps, sense of anthrosupreme entitlement, immaculate integrity of your own Sacred Orthodox Experience, utterly necessary to optimize sustainable and resilient health for all mindful Americans, regardless of mature, healthy abilities (although perhaps not quite sufficient), Including those who happen to have become embarrassed by their unhealthy wealth and extravagant disregard for undercommodified humane values, like caring and nurturing, loving and therapeutic co-mentoring relationships, sacred integrity, a moral economy rooted in co-invested compassion, eco/bio/neuro-logical environ-mental cooperative networks of bilaterally peaceful communication, Like the graceful synergy of all natural systems, most especially religiously reconnecting polycultural values delivering a unitarian positive co-redemptive humility, co-owning that we all created this rapacious win/lose 0-sum mess together. So, please stop leaving the bathroom of discourse, regardless of how rhetorically insane and polemic, every time we complain about your nasty attitudes about resiliently wealthy compost optimizing natural/spiritual economic growth. Then you protest by voting for the one you mistrust the least, as we go right on doing what we intended while throwing water on CommonSense slippery-floor economics of radical, reverse-hierarchical interdependence and win/win co-investment. Much too "global solidarity" for Republican taste as trusted Safe, much less Just to those who prefer economically entrenched competitive silos monotheistic soils anthrosupremacist souls. And, our democratic family value parents hear oppositionally disordered Republicans as if They were terrorizing aliens, like apartheid bumbling bees and red ant hives, devoid of deductive-inductive co-rational accessibility of even one unfractured dimension of resonance, and without capacity to empathize with our well-mentored habit of continually forgetting we could not restore a higher priority right now than retelling our anthrosupremacist co-dependents Dr. Seuss's The Lorax Interpreting each voice as our own regret, wondering why we continue competing to reach a Win/Win EarthPeace Game, and political and economic and ecological and cultural and biological healthy and caring finish line, no longer alone in our polycultural PolyLife Yum-Yum yang/yin co-arising Paradise. When I think about cooperative feelings I can see that my competitive political and economic supremacist assumption, that MeWe co-investment will not have Earth's final say, is not scientifically, or even multiculturally religiously sound, rational, integral, designed to benefit future resilient regenerations, much less panentheistically comprehensive. You can't win a P=NP, 4-fractal/spiral non(0)-sum cooperative economic ecological plan until everyone else has the freedom and integrity and ecotherapeutic orthopraxis comprehension, intention, to win/win together, not win/lose apart. With this perhaps un-Christian, and vaguely irreligious perspective that Democratic mutual-redeemer culture is closer to non(0) sum Core PeaceValue Heaven rationality, inductive+deductive, than appears to be the case for our benighted Republican wealthy fat-cat anthro-supremacist residents of Earth, we have turned rather too far elitist our polycultural revolution pendulum away from owning the trauma of monocultural monotheism, poverty and the overpowering commodification of organic lives, and the predation of other species, and the stratification of Earth's Power from Sun's Light Under-producing Her capacity to regenerate fertile maturing seeds, turning away from sin as sterile isolating insanity, wild savaging disability, absence of healthy wilderness love to now prophesy the trauma of monopolistic drenching wealth, and overly ballistic power; to notice challenging, dissonant tipping points within monocultural, monochromatic, monopolistic bicamerally competing ecopolitical uncertainty and ecological dysfunction for all neurosystems, all nations, All sexsensory healthy families connecting our more humane DNA-informed bicameral information deep inhaling branch of EcoTribe, RNA-inscribed, transliterate, multisystemic and polyculturally Climaxing Community Interdependently Beloved coincidentally straining and stressing to comprehend Polynomial SpaceTime = Not-Not Polynomial Open Systemic Binomial Prime Relationship Temporal "Now" as Yang-convex/positive = Yin-concave/negative, as +1.00% QBit = -(-0)% Soul Core-emergent universal Vertex/Dark unitarian Vortex (Perelman, 1993) So, yes, democracy, not autocracy, may be somewhat closer to healthy wealth now, but closer doesn't count when playing Win/Win economic ecotherapy; Donkey clown shoes also fit win/win elephants. Speaking of elephants in too-narrow-minded oppositional spaces, where was I? Oh, yes, she’s in the bathtub again, better watch that wild wet floor.
Copyright © 2025 Gerald Dillenbeck. All Rights Reserved

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry