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Long Earthgoddess Poems

Long Earthgoddess Poems. Below are the most popular long Earthgoddess by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Earthgoddess poems by poem length and keyword.

Premium Member Grand Mother Eartha's Dream
My husband and I always enjoy visiting
GrandMother Eartha
on Mother's Day

She often shares
last night's dreams,
which too often follow rather disturbing peak experience themes

you know,
or maybe not because,
how would I know?

Dreams about Her Straight White AlphaMale trauma

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Categories: earthgoddess, culture, earth day, health, mothers day, political,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum

Premium Member Cooperative Family Politics
I think he's talking about a cooperative bicameral political system,
with "How to talk to the other side".

And what could that possibly mean, dear Yang?

I was watching this Ted-talk from Marin,
by Robb Willer, as I anciently...

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Categories: earthgoddess, culture, earth, family, freedom, health, humor, parents,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Working With Theories
I'm working on this Systems Theory

All existing formal religious traditions
and informal spiritual experience 
of Great Sacred EcoLogical Transitions
[e.g. Holocene to 
Green AnthroScene;
HolySpirit to
Whole Holonic Natural Communion Systems]

through our divine monotheistic
and/or polytheistic
and/or atheistic naturalistic branches
shared as...

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Categories: earthgoddess, anxiety, appreciation, culture, health, integrity, peace, religion,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member Gratitude For Truth As Beauty
Why is it that gratitude
for peak response to truth with beauty
multiculturally embraces Positive Psychology's
mental health,
humane respect 
for life's naturally pleasant graces?

Yet sapient sacred trust 
in Earth's impassioned beauty spaces
remains spiritually unexplored,
under-mined Truth,
anemically practiced compassion


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Categories: earthgoddess, beauty, earth, happiness, health, humor, love, truth,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member Ego Speaks For Yangyin History
Most everything I learned about the history of evolution
feels colored by Julian Jaynes' theory of language
and culture
and history
and icons of ecological systems 
and co-relational functions,
forms and frequencies,
rhythms and ironic, ionic 
win/win polyvagal 
bilateral transparency.

This is...

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Categories: earthgoddess, creation, earth, humanity, identity, love, psychological, sun,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum

Premium Member Jetblack God of Earth's History
I might best not say why,
yet I finally admit,
Taoist me imagines Yang as a JetBlack God,
Creator of this Universe
and, therefore, also ProGenerator of Anthros
with YinGoddess Earth,
blue-green Gaia,
surrounded by an ultra-violet rainbow of White Bright healthy...

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Categories: earthgoddess, beauty, health, muse, music, race, religion, spiritual,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Powerful Polite Imaginations
Imagine with me
that your local
economic community,
is a communication network
already at hand,
like a potentially benign kingdom
or mutually informed democracy,

Which is what some residents actively hope for
as a peaceful sacred communion
and others engage in active voting campaigns

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Categories: earthgoddess, earth, games, health, heart, humor, light, power,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Paying To Play
if you would be so kind,
join me
in striving to become 
less blind

Brilliant God says:
Give to your oppressively militarized government
weaponized suppressive
defensively repressive
straight white monotheistic privilege
paid for in tax advantages

And so
it was nationalistically done

Every fall
all co-invested residents...

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Categories: earthgoddess, community, culture, education, green, health, integrity, peace,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Healing Systemic Trauma
Can you make any sense of
systemic racism?

No more common sense than
too much patriarchalism--
all leftbrain dominant things
oppressing sacred Earth's
polycultural win/win systems
promoting resiliently wealthy
resonant synergetic health

Care given
as received
in fruitful wombs,
like apple cores in transition
from refuse
toward rebirth

May be...

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Categories: earthgoddess, addiction, beauty, bullying, culture, health, history, peace,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member Strength We Find
Some body
wants some thing
some space
some time
some Other body's place

Some individual 
organic wealth
health systemic 
mindbody wants to resonantly thrive
to resiliently survive

Some body
cannot compete with BusinessAsUsual
against trauma-induced Need feelings
with sufficient therapeutic compassion thoughts,
co-investment plans,
co-operating dialectical designs

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Categories: earthgoddess, caregiving, earth, health, integrity, muse, peace, power,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Recreating Story
Before human languaged time and cultural memory,
SunGod radiated EarthGoddess Gaia
"Let's partner to plant a life-giving network."

"Not a bad-good idea!" smiled Earth reflectively,
synergetically and photosynthetically,
regeneratively speaking.

"Yes, and 
an ultimately GREAT mutual-mentoring redemptive concept, 
ruled YangSun,
listing left...

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Categories: earthgoddess, creation, culture, gender, history, myth, religion, universe,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Surfing With R D Laing
"True sanity entails in one way or another the dissolution of the normal ego..; the emergence of the 'inner' archetypal mediators of divine power [struggling polytheistically with others; not monotheistically against], and through this death...

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Categories: earthgoddess, deep, earth, health, political, power, psychological,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member Climatic Parable
Once within our time,
SkyPrince and SunGod talk,
as usual,
endlessly actually,
sending their radiant messages
out toward mutually gravitating receivers,
no Yins allowed to pitch;
just catch integrative flow.

SkyPrince wonders if SunGod might consider turning down his heat,
and wanders aloud as...

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Categories: earthgoddess, allegory, earth, earth day, fire, nature, sky,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Earth Goddess Gets Riled
I fear Earth Goddess has something rather unkind to say
about RightWing patriarchal 
pretensions oligarchical,

Which begins with N,
and ends with R,
and in-between fills out with Eve

Never attracted to bipolar conflicting reductive rabid climates,
deductively isolated singularities,
autonomous RightWing...

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Categories: earthgoddess, conflict, culture, earth, god, health, integrity, love,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Advent of Discernment
What would I harvest
as the moon rises
to conclude this day?

Will I hunt for the life still burning in the eyes of each person,
each living creation, I meet,
each work and play in progress process;
or divest by...

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Categories: earthgoddess, day, happiness, health, love, political, psychological, wisdom,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Donald John
Great White Father,

About those anti-BadNewsMedia rallies
while our SouthWest is burning
and while our SouthEast is flooding
and wet windstorm conflagrating,
feeling the flamed-up wrath
of an angry EarthGoddess,

Why do you plant and nurture hate
and anger
against potential WinWin integral communicators?


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Categories: earthgoddess, betrayal, break up, fire, health, native american,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Bright Beauty
If a maturely individuated ego...

Honey, you just left out most of us.
Could you work on being more inclusive?

is organically 
holistically SelfAware,
co-redefining as 
Not some Other conscious egocentered person,

Some Other living sensate creature
composed of interdependent
organic health-maintenance...

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Categories: earthgoddess, birth, earth, health, light, passion, power, senses,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Cosmic Crack
Tao of the Cosmic Crack
flowing rivered crotch
between Great White Father's polarizing
zero-sum soiled soul
And silently suppressed
Black Hole 
non-zero curious potential 
double-circling integrity
of spacious firm
and resonant flowing
pregnant possibilities

Win/win bicameral
dipolar co-arising
deep rooted
and wide crown branching
karmic mountain/valley 
convex/concave co-passions


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Categories: earthgoddess, culture, health, humor, integrity, passion, power, religion,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry