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Bright Beauty

If a maturely individuated ego... Honey, you just left out most of us. Could you work on being more inclusive? is organically holistically SelfAware, co-redefining as Not some Other conscious egocentered person, Some Other living sensate creature composed of interdependent organic health-maintenance and development functions, Including reproductive capacity, regenerative fertile potential inherited for repurposing recycling into Earth's polyglot future, And, if Earth is also an organically living global ecosystemic Habitat revolving and recycling within universal light and dark energy fields, Expanding complex positive energy systems and chaotic negative entropic potentials Not ZeroSum and, more positively, Win/Win co-gravitating ionically re-ligioning systems re-connecting re-weaving Re-emerging from interdependently dancing Black Holes, dark spiritual energy chakras for transport and Whole Open Systemic ReDevelopment Processes, Admittedly, a grandly dark-staged IF, yet, if interdependently holistic ego systems interact within a universal win/win energy environment of unitarian meta-energy balancing light/dark health/pathology systems, Then where could GodSun and EarthGoddess starlight have SuperEgo bilaterally emerged from? SuperOther than our original multicultural prime ZeroSum double-binary co-empathic relationship Fertile light Mother and darkly embryonic sacred Child co-empathically polypathic Polymathic Polyphonic Poly-metamorphic Polyphoric Polyvagal energy positive enriching light inviting self-conscious individuating rebirth Of deep dark wounded postpartum unwinding win/lose empowering/disempowering wombs with BlackHole commencements As YangBright truths and trust greet YinDark sacred beauty, As regenerative democratic life predicts and evicts degenerative unrevolving death of continuously monoculturing patriarch-privileged egos Marching in predative capital-infested squares, rather than dancing in BlackLife Matter holistic energy chakras, bright and beautiful.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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