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Advent of Discernment

What would I harvest as the moon rises to conclude this day? Will I hunt for the life still burning in the eyes of each person, each living creation, I meet, each work and play in progress process; or divest by looking away? Will I gather up more healthy cooperative listening or divest of wisdom's helping opportunity through more self-condemning, pathologically comparative, competitive, falling short of utopian-speaking? Reminding myself and others of how fragile is this ego-center, born of birthing fears and dying, divesting, angers. Will I celebrate with economic and politically nurturing climates and healthy landscapes resolving and dissolving together outside, where winds of fresher air may still blow and fragrances speak of both Earth's pristine self-governing organics and of my, our, anthrocentric hubris? Reminding me to be aware, the more significant history of furture regenerational health plays together out here, and not inside my smaller egocentered, household-defensive, nest of more domesticated creation stories. At the end of this day, will I have invested in seeing and hearing and smelling and tasting and feeling and thinking about our rich and deep cooperative potential for further healthy integrity of life; or will I have continued stuck in looking some other depressing suppressing repressing direction? Co-redemptive discernment, Advent of another day, another year, a renewing life, hunting and gathering light through others' eyes, sounds of happiness surrounding despair, tastes of climate health attenuated by more dissonant pathologies, waiting, waiting with us for this Advent healing. Before this winter moon sets have I harvested only a litany of beaten down by my condemning White supremely patriotic vengeful MonoCulturing God, struggling against my sad historic decomposition? Yet this same truth appears much more rich by simply, more humbly, remembering this same Paternal God's maternally organic rich-Black EarthGoddess face, for these two, Yang and Yin, are each a co-arising nondual Janus-place of tipping toward our richest Winter Solstice harvest. My Advent of therapeutic purpose is not so much to improve my skills at predicting next year's most important historic failures and challenges, although that would not be a bad thing in itself, yet even more so, within this larger healthy Yintegrating flow, I continue inviting EarthTribe's daily cooperative miracles of still-regenerating EarthRights, inclusive of Adventurous Ego's most abundant integrative flow. What have I harvested for the Advent of a healthier, and happier, tomorrow?

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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