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Long Depressions Poems

Long Depressions Poems. Below are the most popular long Depressions by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Depressions poems by poem length and keyword.

Premium Member Just Doin' My Translation Job
It's all frustratingly LeftBrain relativistic,
even nihilistic in its darker 
paranoid about chaotic outcomes form,
said Einstein's post-millennial ghost.

So its all synergetic fractal 4D equivalent SpaceTime,
said Fuller,
in co-arising nondual P = N(NP)/2 (0)-Core response.

Interesting you should...

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Categories: depressions, creation, health, humor, love, political, psychological,
Form: Political Verse

Premium Member Life Through a Thousand Deaths
Here life waits
with a thousand little discontinuous deaths, again,
right here in The Evolving Self's
sixth principle of preferable options for more humane revolutions
of evolution,
lurking behind Mihaly Csikzentmihalyi.

I had seen this life coming
when he began by rooting...

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Categories: depressions, blessing, freedom, health, humanity, humor, science, spiritual,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Social Nondarwinists
We need to talk.

Is this one of those times
where you need to talk
and I must pretend to listen
while you rant?

Well, yes,
if you could extend this favor.

Your topic?

Social Darwinism.

Isn't that the birthplace of unfettered Capitalism
and Fascism

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Categories: depressions, environment, gospel, health, humor, psychological, social,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Enlightening Systems
"Overcoming misleading [economic and political] metaphors
that are physically [naturally, ecosystemically, phylogenically] in [and of] 
your [ecological-organic embodied] brain
is never easy."
            George Lakoff, The Political...

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Categories: depressions, blessing, humor, math, mentor, metaphor, religion, science,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Gadflies and Honeybees
Where to begin
in the middle of cold and dark
winter's solstice,
healthy green life's time
of impeachment,

Where does this all rightfully
and sacredly left end?

These are expansive gadfly questions,
issues of complexly dipolar reason,
leftbrain dominant
either-or thinking
we are either thinking or...

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Categories: depressions, culture, earth, green, health, integrity, political, usa,
Form: Political Verse

Premium Member ComPassion's Braver Angels
Impressive values,
like love,
claim resources that liberally breed
physically happy health
and conservatively feed
mentally glad wealth.

Oppressive disvalues
like homophobia and racism
and sexism and ageism
and ableism 
and monoculturing disregard
for threats of global anthro-supremacist ecocide,
express what we are against
because these are...

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Categories: depressions, anxiety, earth day, health, integrity, mental health,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum

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Categories: depressions, america, anti bullying, anxiety, beautiful, innocence, integrity,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Fr Time's Curious Ambiguity
Fr. Time, are you a monopolistic universalist?

Yes, but also a polycultural evolutionist.

Are you an outgoing kinda Yang guy?

Yes, but in an out/integrity balancing kindness
of an in/outgoing co-passionately healthy communicator
Easier to share life's co-operative win/win 

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Categories: depressions, destiny, earth, humor, identity, nature, political, time,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member An Anxiously Anticipated Event
Dear John,

All day
I loaded up with a cascading river
of mixed anxiety and anticipation
about what to safely and kindly,
transparently and vulnerably
compassionately, so non-violently, share,
what to communicate;

Which narrative tributaries to choose
within this vast spacetime stream
of choices
felt depressions...

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Categories: depressions, age, dance, health, humanity, humor, romance, sexy,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Zero Heroes
Each Zen ZeroSoul
invites a sacredly unique understoried purpose,
enthymematic matriotic meaning
through nurturing Health-Wealth Consciousness.

ZenSoul identity
heroic voice
shadow sacred
among LeftBrain Dominant
adolescent RedStates,
monocultural extraction planners.

Red or Blue
and Green 
depths of social Turquoise personality
for outdoor aquatic conversations,
ebbs and flows,
eggs and...

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Categories: depressions, caregiving, earth, humor, integrity, nature, religion, spiritual,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Compassionate Returns
Your compassion reveals
mutual biological interests,
a powerful tool
for focusing fertile thoughts
and pent-up feelings

My passion regenerates
seeks to accurately label
read and process,
attend to your best nonviolent communications,
nonverbally hummed flirtations
of this
our potentially significant

These compassion communications,
prances and dances and trances,


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Categories: depressions, culture, health, integrity, peace, political, power, strength,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member Faithful Thought Experiment
Imagine your favorite faith community,
whether sacredly vocationed,
or, more prosaic, secularly employed,
is also home to your local Green Freedom Party,
intentionally multipartisan.

This community intends to remain compassionately faithful 
to short-term local
through long-term global
public and climate health
of all...

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Categories: depressions, green, health, integrity, political, power, religion, senses,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Love You Messages
When the StraightWhite Patriarchal President
sent out his Praise and Thanks Message
"We love you"
to those who would cathartically enjoy beheading
VicePresident St. Peter's Pence 
loves homophobic St. Paul,

This felt like too much tolerating
an unconstitutional intolerable
absence of basic...

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Categories: depressions, health, love, peace, political, power, race,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Minds Coarising Hearts
In our Physics Departments
our most salient awareness
of those nature-spirit entities
most easily seen
and heard
and smelled
as animated and animating,
sometimes more,
sometimes less,
in our daily ritualistic lives
of solids
and liquids
and gases
and plasma
and bilateral neural pathways
of interdependent communication.

In our MetaPhysics Department,

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Categories: depressions, art, earth, health, integrity, political, psychological, science,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Regenerate Intelligence
I often fail to notice
nuanced distinctions
between ethics of punishment,
retribution, on right hand
and boycott,
shunning revenge, on my left;

Between reigning down further abuse
and more quietly raining temporary neglect,
political distancing.

Punishment is a tool
for privileged narcissists,
win/lose competitors,
for fake-righteously...

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Categories: depressions, earth, extended metaphor, health, heart, integrity, political,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Solitaire Solitude
Solitaire / Solitude

Solitude will be my recognition, my fame !
Solitude is my time to claim !
Solitary is my adopted name !
Solitaire is the name of my game,
to play away these hours of mine
until there is...

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Categories: depressions, passion,
Form: Rhyme
The Deadly Truth Behind Her Eyes
She woke up each day
Forcing a smile, forcing to get up and go on
Forcing herself to get ready like nothing was truly broken inside.
But truly no matter how much make up
No matter how much tears...

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© Blu Simons  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: depressions, death, deep, depression, feelings, goodbye, mental illness,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Wounded Orphans
A Taoist's View of Bill Plotkin's
Wounded Southern Orphan.

Really, dear,
that's too long for a co-inviting title,
How about just-us for
Wounded Taoist Anawim?

I don't think we want to go 
grieving back there,
Those early teenage years
of viral WinLose hurts

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Categories: depressions, conflict, confusion, courage, faith, health, hope, love
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Addictive Liberations
I need to talk about addictions,
about my addiction issues,
and maybe yours.

Addiction gets a deserved bad rap
but that doesn't mean we have no more
than mean-spirited possibilities.

Our first addiction,
and, for the lucky ones,
the functional extended multigenerational
multicultural families

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Categories: depressions, addiction, caregiving, health, integrity, peace,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member The Neighbor's Wife
He's been struggling with depression,
She said, so then have I.

It's our bad news
that competing depressions
breed more contagiously
than our cooperation feeds happiness.

Yet our good news grows:
Depression and positive impression
are equally contagious passions
eruptions into changing flowstreams of...

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Categories: depressions, anti bullying, caregiving, destiny, integrity, mental illness,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member That Was Not a Compliment
Certain appearances make me question our fufillmentship 
I’d bet my life that I’d find more comfort in a rock bottom 
Than in you 
Your mood swings are my fill of thrills for the whole year...

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Categories: depressions, addiction, angst, friendship, grief, missing you,
Form: Free verse
Merry Miserie
Conjuring and challenging my silly, puny solitude…
Enduring and foliage of squalid grief…left me in the nude of the wintertime 
Sometimes, I wander…I wonder…I ponder so good
I am naughty this wintertime, up to no good…misunderstood all...

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Categories: depressions, angst, hope, pain, passion, peace, suicide, winter,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Notchosen Stories
What are these days of mourning stories
I choose not to tell about myself,
my emotion-driven journeys
to windy hot imagined future
and remembered warm wet green
and impossibly resilient blue past
pre-historic paradise,
before people
and our mosquito
and cockroach
and locust
and indoor rats...

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Categories: depressions, games, green, health, history, nature, wisdom, woman,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Birdsong Memorials
What is your earliest memory
of sacred birdsong voices?

How is this memory
the same and different than
your internal intimate Sacred EarthMother's Song?

Of sacred gospel and secular gossip
differentiating WinWin GoodNews
from WinLose we could go either way
more discerning and...

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Categories: depressions, beauty, bird, education, green, health, memorial, nature,
Form: Political Verse
A Haku From My World-2014
The internal fire
searing away life's pain
change summers forest

born into the world
contemplating renewal
ice covered rivers

all seasons cycle
pain love life feeling anger
eternal rhythm

bright autumn color
death brings life and renewal
pain will fade away

hope reborn once again
upon springs breath...

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Categories: depressions, change, conflict, confusion, emotions, memory, nature, voyage,
Form: Haiku

Book: Reflection on the Important Things